From Flint, Michigan, USA
aka Kettering University/General Motors/Michigan Departmnet of Education/Mannor Law Group/Last Anvil&Powers Catholic High School
Rookie Year: 2002
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Event Results

Team 894 was 8-7-0 in official play and 9-9-0 overall in 2008.

Great Lakes Regional

in Ypsilanti, MI, USA
to Week 5

Team 894 was Rank 12 with a record of 6-2-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2163 66 217 1549 910 894 82 4
894 322 306 1015 1189 548 38 18
2576 894 1646 1023 280 1596 24 12
830 2050 1549 1998 2591 894 28 58
470 1941 894 313 63 2676 20 4
573 107 240 894 1747 63 50 40
1718 894 291 226 245 279 88 46
862 2627 68 894 1732 469 82 84

Galileo Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 894 was Rank 63 with a record of 2-5-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1254 2599 2487 894 1629 1023 30 42
2237 894 932 1595 1880 694 34 24
1503 316 1390 694 894 597 74 68
364 254 509 457 1390 894 122 60
302 1114 195 894 384 121 124 76
84 115 894 148 103 1138 48 58
1296 716 469 894 494 1038 106 62

Kettering Kickoff

in Flint, MI, USA

Team 894 had a record of 1-2-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2591 397 1528 1783 894 48 70 20
314 247 2137 1528 894 1718 62 44
815 2612 894 1506 1075 2145 40 32
70 2619 894 2337 2054 1243 ? ?
494 70 910 894 1502 2604 ? ?

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