From Whitinsville, Massachusetts, USA
aka Whitinsville Christian School/Bach Knives/WRT Management Corp./Koopman Lumber/EMX Controls/Peter B. Plumb, CPA/iAUTOMATION&Whitinsville Christian School
Rookie Year: 2001
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Event Results

Overall, Team 663 had an average qual score of 78.28 and an average playoff score of 103.33 in 2015.

As a member of the New England district, Team 663 ranked 58 having earned 83 points.

NE District - Pioneer Valley Event

in Springfield, MA, USA
to Week 2

Team 663 was Rank 21 with an average qual score of 55.83 and an average playoff score of 81.75 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist

Captain 316
Pick 1 61
Pick 2 663

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 11
Alliance Points 3
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 0
Total Points 34
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4034 716 663 1991 839 61 0 60
2370 3719 3205 181 3146 663 30 33
4546 663 3182 571 178 1699 62 64
501 176 3623 175 663 5782 88 66
177 663 571 61 716 2523 3 14
501 4048 4958 663 3718 839 118 94
5782 3182 4048 178 663 4097 60 66
501 663 3585 3623 3146 4034 74 75
663 166 2370 4048 4546 316 57 113
3718 716 181 4958 663 213 100 64
213 839 2168 663 151 3205 83 93
61 663 3623 4097 839 2523 58 28
61 316 663 178 3623 839 60 66
61 316 663 3718 3146 2168 94 78
61 316 663 175 176 2370 68 79
61 316 663 3718 3146 2168 89 85
1991 4048 3719 61 316 663 86 90
3718 3146 2168 61 316 663 98 104
3718 3146 2168 61 316 663 110 73
3718 3146 2168 61 316 663 128 76

NE District - Northeastern University Event

in Boston, MA, USA
to Week 5

Team 663 was Rank 31 with an average qual score of 63.00 and an average playoff score of 128.00 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist

Captain 1768
Pick 1 2877
Pick 2 663

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 9
Alliance Points 2
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 0
Total Points 31
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5735 348 4048 5491 88 663 98 77
2262 4909 1073 663 1027 5735 53 94
5633 663 166 3205 1768 1761 6 78
4169 5459 4796 1761 663 125 11 88
663 5459 121 5633 2877 5347 12 76
2262 3236 663 1519 4909 126 72 188
4169 663 4034 4987 1027 1786 34 30
166 1965 4987 2423 663 348 75 82
2713 663 126 2262 4034 4176 43 38
172 5000 126 1965 663 1519 108 130
1761 2084 1027 1757 3466 663 51 66
4176 663 4796 4908 97 5491 52 110
2877 1768 663 3236 2713 2084 123 90
2877 1768 663 1757 4048 5735 131 80
2877 1768 663 3236 2713 2084 142 97
2877 1768 663 125 1519 1786 107 192
3205 126 69 2877 1768 663 88 132
125 1519 1786 2877 1768 663 176 125
125 1519 1786 2877 1768 663 142 136

NE FIRST District Championship presented by United Technologies

in Worcester, MA, USA
to Week 7

Team 663 was Rank 55 with an average qual score of 116.00

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 18
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
213 4564 5122 178 663 558 134 60
166 3464 2168 95 663 5735 102 60
133 663 1735 2064 1519 5735 103 188
195 5687 155 2877 663 2067 184 166
663 138 4905 4909 501 173 70 169
663 2342 172 811 3930 138 93 48
4055 319 1073 1768 663 126 160 169
1124 3930 3718 195 663 467 70 145
125 4048 663 999 133 178 127 126
2836 663 1058 3146 175 2877 156 198
2648 4761 176 663 1099 885 100 106
885 58 88 663 2168 2064 153 137

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