From Granby, Connecticut, USA
aka State of Connecticut/RTX/JT Automation/TRUMPF/Granby Lions Club/Checkered Flag Auto Center/Granby Public Schools/Granby Education Foundation/Gene Haas Foundation/Cox Charities/Westwood Products&Granby Memorial High School
Rookie Year: 2010
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Event Results

Overall, Team 3146 had an average qual score of 114.04 and an average playoff score of 130.74 in 2015.

As a member of the New England district, Team 3146 ranked 11 having earned 201.0 points.

No matches played.

NE District - Pioneer Valley Event

in Springfield, MA, USA
to Week 2

Team 3146 was Rank 5 with an average qual score of 68.83 and an average playoff score of 89.75 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner

Captain 3146
Pick 1 3718
Pick 2 2168

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 30.0
Award Points 0
Total Points 60.0
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
175 3146 213 2523 3719 177 83 49
2370 3719 3205 181 3146 663 30 33
4958 316 61 3146 5782 176 81 97
181 1991 316 3146 3585 839 22 23
3719 3146 571 3623 2370 178 87 60
1991 2168 4097 316 3146 177 37 24
839 175 1699 3146 2168 3718 60 49
501 663 3585 3623 3146 4034 74 75
3146 151 716 501 4097 177 74 77
4048 2523 3146 3205 177 3585 70 56
3146 61 3205 3718 176 151 97 84
1991 3146 4546 571 5782 213 114 96
3205 166 213 3718 3146 2168 43 51
61 316 663 3718 3146 2168 94 78
1991 4048 3719 3718 3146 2168 80 86
61 316 663 3718 3146 2168 89 85
3718 3146 2168 175 176 2370 82 74
3718 3146 2168 61 316 663 98 104
3718 3146 2168 61 316 663 110 73
3718 3146 2168 61 316 663 128 76

NE District - Hartford Event

in Hartford, CT, USA
to Week 5

Team 3146 was Rank 9 with an average qual score of 97.83 and an average playoff score of 109.40

Captain 3146
Pick 1 173
Pick 2 95

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 17
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 39
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3654 3146 3464 3555 173 2067 70 105
173 195 558 839 3146 4055 84 113
1740 175 195 3146 571 4557 106 66
3146 195 2170 3104 5686 999 156 76
5142 1740 3146 4572 177 2064 109 65
178 230 1124 175 3146 5129 152 76
5686 3146 2064 175 1991 3654 76 62
3182 4055 3464 3146 1124 5746 54 85
4055 5142 4097 3146 3634 4628 42 84
236 2785 3146 4572 2170 181 76 110
3146 2836 173 2785 5142 4557 149 110
3634 1699 95 230 3146 467 78 114
175 1699 228 173 3146 95 98 118
999 2836 181 173 3146 95 120 118
2170 2067 3464 173 3146 95 185 112
230 195 2064 173 3146 95 200 85
1124 177 236 173 3146 95 146 114

NE FIRST District Championship presented by United Technologies

in Worcester, MA, USA
to Week 7

Team 3146 was Rank 4 with an average qual score of 164.75 and an average playoff score of 83.50

Captain 3146
Pick 1 319
Pick 2 4564

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 60
Alliance Points 42
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 102
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Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3146 was Rank 21 with an average qual score of 139.40 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Subdivision Finalist

Captain 27
Pick 1 1690
Pick 2 384
Pick 3 3146
Watch All Matches

Connecticut State Championship

in Berlin, CT, USA

Team 3146 was Rank 18 with an average qual score of 96.14 and an average playoff score of 196.88

Captain 2067
Pick 1 228
Pick 2 3146

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