NE FIRST District Championship presented by United Technologies 2015

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2877 88 3464 2064 2067 4909 87 166
4905 246 1100 999 467 138 100 135
885 1768 4048 175 166 236 110 128
3467 133 319 4761 1124 2342 113 111
3718 126 501 237 2876 230 150 130
125 3146 3930 58 1073 176 116 109
173 5735 5687 2170 2648 4055 99 118
1519 195 2836 1058 172 155 193 160
61 95 2168 1099 811 1735 104 66
213 4564 5122 178 663 558 134 60
885 501 176 3718 319 1100 104 106
133 2648 138 126 3930 58 104 150
2876 1058 236 1124 4055 4909 102 81
2342 3467 811 88 4048 230 178 144
1768 1519 173 246 558 467 217 108
237 178 5687 1099 2836 3146 112 155
4564 2877 4761 125 195 61 128 207
175 1735 5122 2067 1073 999 107 88
2170 4905 155 172 213 2064 141 87
166 3464 2168 95 663 5735 102 60
1124 811 1100 5687 2836 319 87 102
4048 2877 138 3146 2648 1768 106 168
230 558 2067 467 885 4909 153 114
1099 88 2876 195 1058 213 152 169
3930 3467 246 155 5122 237 174 124
133 663 1735 2064 1519 5735 103 188
95 4761 3464 4905 176 178 50 49
3718 172 236 61 173 1073 91 65
999 2168 4564 2170 166 126 99 142
4055 125 58 501 175 2342 141 176
195 5687 155 2877 663 2067 184 166
1058 246 1099 3930 885 4905 124 134
230 213 1768 172 133 61 126 174
178 1735 467 176 166 138 64 72
58 999 501 88 4761 2836 166 152
173 2064 95 3146 1124 1073 124 156
319 175 4909 4564 2648 3718 198 120
4048 237 2342 1100 2168 1519 103 110
236 4055 126 5122 3467 3464 100 161
811 125 558 5735 2876 2170 138 169
4761 1735 1768 5687 3146 88 144 178
663 138 4905 4909 501 173 70 169
1100 172 4564 58 3718 1099 140 96
2067 2836 4055 230 2168 246 177 171
2877 166 3930 126 5735 213 136 139
1519 3467 236 885 125 178 209 119
2876 176 467 95 155 1073 83 118
175 195 3464 5122 133 811 222 158
319 61 1124 2170 4048 558 88 110
1058 237 2064 2648 2342 999 112 148
1735 2067 3467 1768 501 2836 182 191
3718 3146 1519 166 4905 4055 182 127
175 467 213 195 236 2168 126 206
5122 95 4048 4909 2170 58 136 188
126 1099 4761 1100 2064 125 136 134
663 2342 172 811 3930 138 93 48
133 558 173 2877 176 1058 144 114
5687 999 3464 2876 61 885 138 121
4564 88 1124 155 2648 246 152 173
1073 230 178 319 237 5735 131 130
138 125 2067 166 811 3718 131 92
5122 2836 467 4761 213 4048 166 140
2876 558 175 4905 3467 2064 104 138
2648 61 4909 1100 2342 195 135 114
4055 319 1073 1768 663 126 160 169
237 2170 3146 155 885 133 196 100
2168 178 173 3930 999 1099 161 127
1058 3464 1124 230 1735 58 162 116
172 176 5735 246 236 88 181 189
2877 5687 501 95 1519 4564 134 206
811 2064 4055 4905 237 125 114 116
999 3146 319 3467 4909 213 206 70
1124 3930 3718 195 663 467 70 145
4761 558 58 138 1735 236 81 124
178 175 246 230 126 5687 134 93
61 155 1100 1058 166 88 155 113
1519 2877 2170 1073 1099 3464 227 183
173 172 2648 2168 5122 2876 66 117
95 885 2836 1768 5735 2342 128 170
501 2067 4564 176 133 4048 159 120
3930 213 4055 1735 1100 5687 112 117
1099 236 230 155 138 319 36 111
4909 1058 4761 1073 246 811 71 83
88 95 195 2836 126 173 122 166
4564 2170 2342 2876 3146 2067 143 110
166 501 2648 172 558 3464 74 152
125 4048 663 999 133 178 127 126
2064 1768 5122 2168 3718 5735 188 124
61 237 1519 1124 176 175 198 148
58 4905 467 3467 2877 885 95 164
230 3464 319 3930 88 173 146 149
558 4055 1100 133 125 95 179 136
2064 2170 246 178 195 501 71 142
4909 166 2876 2168 237 4761 136 141
5735 138 1099 467 4564 3467 118 130
2648 5122 1073 61 4905 2067 70 116
2836 663 1058 3146 175 2877 156 198
213 176 1519 58 811 1768 229 179
3718 2342 5687 155 236 999 139 193
172 885 126 4048 1735 1124 176 169
2170 61 88 237 138 4055 176 105
133 230 2064 4564 2836 166 168 184
2067 319 5122 95 1058 501 156 164
3718 125 246 3464 213 3146 132 66
2648 4761 176 663 1099 885 100 106
4905 811 999 1124 236 2877 130 215
2168 4048 1073 3467 558 5687 168 178
1768 2876 195 178 1100 58 240 138
155 467 173 2342 126 1735 114 185
3930 4909 5735 172 175 1519 84 227
3718 2836 133 2648 95 236 95 72
213 1073 237 138 4564 3464 80 137
885 58 88 663 2168 2064 153 137
2876 2877 1735 4048 246 319 130 200
125 172 3467 467 5687 1058 153 122
155 3930 178 501 61 811 146 163
166 1099 1124 5122 4055 2342 149 180
195 3146 230 999 558 1519 246 215
175 2067 5735 1100 173 4761 116 112
4909 4905 126 2170 176 1768 112 210


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1519 195 2067
Alliance 2 1768 2170 1124
Alliance 3 3146 319 4564
Alliance 4 175 1100 236
Alliance 5 2836 999 138
Alliance 6 2877 230 558
Alliance 7 501 237 3467
Alliance 8 88 246 125

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1100 175 236 999 2836 138 168 150
319 3146 4564 230 2877 558 84 84
2170 1768 1124 237 501 3467 182 174
195 1519 2067 246 88 125 202 123
1100 175 236 230 2877 558 187 176
319 3146 4564 999 2836 138 83 157
2170 1768 1124 246 88 125 148 119
195 1519 2067 237 501 3467 214 144
1100 175 236 237 501 3467 186 173
195 1519 2067 2170 1768 1124 233 170
1100 175 236 2170 1768 1124 216 138
195 1519 2067 237 501 3467 230 94
2170 1768 1124 237 501 3467 142 130
195 1519 2067 1100 175 236 225 184
195 1519 2067 1100 175 236 239 150
195 1519 2067 1100 175 236 256 150

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 1519, 195, 2067 208.00
2 175, 1100, 236 177.50
3 1768, 2170, 1124 165.00
4 501, 237, 3467 159.00
5 2836, 999, 138 153.50
6 2877, 230, 558 130.00
7 88, 246, 125 121.00
8 3146, 319, 4564 83.50


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 1519, 195, 2067 229.33
2 175, 1100, 236 195.33
3 1768, 2170, 1124 150.00
4 501, 237, 3467 132.33



Qual Avg.
1 1519 200.1 440 214 880 566 313 0 12
2 195 182.5 360 20 892 632 304 0 12
3 1768 176.0 440 40 828 510 294 0 12
4 3146 164.8 440 44 740 524 235 0 12
5 2170 157.6 280 30 784 552 257 0 12
6 175 157.0 320 104 724 508 270 0 12
7 2836 155.4 400 30 708 494 233 0 12
8 2877 150.4 480 38 616 444 239 0 12
9 501 149.3 400 10 700 434 254 0 12
10 999 147.6 400 80 624 450 259 0 12
11 88 147.2 480 46 608 394 239 0 12
12 2342 145.0 320 126 504 484 336 0 12
13 4564 144.3 320 26 676 448 298 0 12
14 2067 143.3 320 24 644 422 346 0 12
15 155 143.2 400 70 620 438 191 0 12
16 126 143.2 400 36 572 400 310 0 12
17 319 143.0 280 154 652 418 230 0 12
18 61 141.8 280 58 636 466 274 0 12
19 172 141.7 240 76 648 452 296 0 12
20 5122 141.4 320 40 656 456 237 0 12
21 3467 139.0 320 40 688 506 156 0 12
22 236 138.8 280 146 568 428 261 0 12
23 230 138.3 400 46 592 376 264 0 12
24 246 138.2 320 106 576 406 257 0 12
25 125 137.5 360 20 600 460 210 0 12
26 2168 136.7 280 28 560 426 364 0 12
27 4048 136.1 360 56 584 388 245 0 12
28 2064 135.6 400 64 476 450 237 0 12
29 558 135.2 360 54 616 370 264 0 12
30 58 134.3 400 24 588 428 208 0 12
31 3464 133.8 360 48 564 432 220 0 12
32 4055 132.8 440 66 460 394 234 0 12
33 2876 132.8 440 46 528 406 198 0 12
34 1124 132.3 320 52 620 426 188 0 12
35 173 132.2 320 70 552 392 252 0 12
36 5735 131.5 320 52 544 454 220 0 12
37 1058 130.8 400 0 540 442 193 0 12
38 237 128.9 440 60 496 326 231 0 12
39 133 128.4 400 32 544 364 213 0 12
40 885 127.4 400 10 564 392 163 0 12
41 4909 127.0 400 52 464 398 216 0 12
42 176 126.6 360 40 556 366 221 0 12
43 1735 125.6 320 64 500 418 229 0 12
44 1100 124.3 240 80 484 424 288 0 12
45 213 123.2 360 28 504 458 146 0 12
46 5687 121.8 280 16 536 390 240 0 12
47 166 121.2 280 50 504 360 279 0 12
48 1099 120.7 320 24 544 378 200 0 12
49 3930 120.5 400 20 468 396 168 0 12
50 811 119.7 280 36 520 416 214 0 12
51 95 118.3 320 26 548 342 190 0 12
52 1073 117.6 320 42 488 392 187 0 12
53 467 116.8 320 8 548 384 190 0 12
54 3718 116.4 200 72 484 408 257 0 12
55 663 116.0 320 8 448 384 238 0 12
56 178 115.2 280 68 448 398 206 0 12
57 4761 113.8 280 24 512 364 216 0 12
58 2648 112.3 280 52 464 290 280 0 12
59 4905 110.7 360 0 436 308 236 0 12
60 138 105.1 240 40 460 330 203 0 12
Team Location Image
South Portland, Maine, USA
Upton, Massachusetts, USA
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA
White River Junction, Vermont, USA
Revere, Massachusetts, USA
Clinton, Massachusetts, USA
Standish, Maine, USA
Amherst, New Hampshire, USA
Berlin, Connecticut, USA
Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
Falmouth/Gorham, Maine, USA
Tolland, Connecticut, USA
Enfield, Connecticut, USA
Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
Farmington, Connecticut, USA
Southington, Connecticut, USA
Keene, New Hampshire, USA
Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Old Lyme, Connecticut, USA
Watertown, Connecticut, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Alton, New Hampshire, USA
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
Manchester/Goffstown, New Hampshire, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Whitinsville, Massachusetts, USA
Falls Village, Connecticut, USA
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Randolph Center, Vermont, USA
Cheshire, Connecticut, USA
Londonderry, New Hampshire, USA
Hollis, New Hampshire, USA
Brookfield, Connecticut, USA
Team Location Image
Northborough/Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
Avon, Connecticut, USA
Milford, New Hampshire, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Bolton, Massachusetts, USA
Southbury / Middlebury, Connecticut, USA
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Groton, Connecticut, USA
Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Oakland, Maine, USA
Woodbury, Connecticut, USA
Burlington, Massachusetts, USA
Newtonville, Massachusetts, USA
Granby, Connecticut, USA
Simsbury, Connecticut, USA
Windham, New Hampshire, USA
New Britain, Connecticut, USA
Jay, Maine, USA
Westborough, Massachusetts, USA
Winchester, Connecticut, USA
Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, USA
Dover, New Hampshire, USA
Brewer, Maine, USA
Reading, Massachusetts, USA
Ayer, Massachusetts, USA
Billerica, Massachusetts, USA
Old Town, Maine, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
Wayland, Massachusetts, USA
Newport, New Hampshire, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 195
Regional Chairman's Award 467
Regional Chairman's Award 558
Regional Chairman's Award 2877
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 78
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2067
District Championship Rookie All Star Award 5422
District Championship Rookie All Star Award 5735
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Andy Brockway (716)
Volunteer of the Year Ty Tremblay (319)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Drew Bennett (4564)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Camilo Gonzalez (125)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Sean Hackett (2067)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Evelyn Huang (246)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Avery Munoz (4546)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Dhionis Zhidro (5400)
District Championship Winner 1519
District Championship Winner 195
District Championship Winner 2067
District Championship Finalist 175
District Championship Finalist 1100
District Championship Finalist 236
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1058
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 230
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 1519
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1100
Highest Rookie Seed 5735
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 88
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 125
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 155
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2168
Judges' Award 133
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 1124
Rookie Inspiration Award 5687
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 4909
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 195 66 90.0 48 30 234.0
2 1519 66 90.0 48 15 219.0
3 2067 48 90.0 3 24 165.0
4 175 57 60 39 0 156
5 1100 30 60 39 15 144
6 1768 63 30 45 0 138
7 2170 60 30 45 0 135
8 2877 54 0 33 30 117
9 236 42 60 12 0 114
10 501 54 30 30 0 114
11 3146 60 0 42 0 102
12 3467 45 30 21 0 96
13 237 33 30 30 0 93
14 2836 57 0 36 0 93
15 88 51 0 27 15 93
16 319 48 0 42 0 90
17 999 54 0 36 0 90
18 230 42 0 33 15 90
19 1124 36 30 6 15 87
20 558 39 0 18 30 87
21 125 42 0 24 15 81
22 246 42 0 27 0 69
23 155 48 0 0 15 63
24 4564 51 0 9 0 60
25 2168 42 0 0 15 57
26 5735 33 0 0 24 57
27 2342 51 0 0 0 51
28 467 21 0 0 30 51
29 126 48 0 0 0 48
30 133 33 0 0 15 48
31 1058 33 0 0 15 48
32 172 45 0 0 0 45
33 61 45 0 0 0 45
34 5122 45 0 0 0 45
35 4909 30 0 0 15 45
36 5687 27 0 0 15 42
37 4048 39 0 0 0 39
38 2064 39 0 0 0 39
39 58 39 0 0 0 39
40 2876 36 0 0 0 36
41 3464 36 0 0 0 36
42 173 36 0 0 0 36
43 4055 36 0 0 0 36
44 885 33 0 0 0 33
45 176 30 0 0 0 30
46 1735 30 0 0 0 30
47 213 27 0 0 0 27
48 166 27 0 0 0 27
49 1099 27 0 0 0 27
50 138 9 0 15 0 24
51 95 24 0 0 0 24
52 811 24 0 0 0 24
53 3930 24 0 0 0 24
54 5422 0 0 0 24 24
55 78 0 0 0 24 24
56 1073 21 0 0 0 21
57 3718 21 0 0 0 21
58 663 18 0 0 0 18
59 178 18 0 0 0 18
60 2648 15 0 0 0 15
61 4761 15 0 0 0 15
62 4905 12 0 0 0 12

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1519 101.75
195 87.96
1768 81.79
3146 66.83
3467 64.74
155 62.01
175 60.67
999 60.46
126 60.16
2836 58.68
2877 57.92
2170 56.73
501 56.44
246 55.54
88 55.32
4564 55.12
125 53.21
5122 52.01
4055 51.50
172 51.15
58 51.10
2342 50.04
4048 49.96
319 49.89
2067 49.72
2168 49.29
61 49.14
1124 46.45
133 45.12
1058 44.37
230 44.05
5735 42.84
558 42.59
2064 42.55
4909 41.93
173 41.62
3464 40.94
236 40.21
176 39.53
237 38.63
1735 38.44
1099 37.94
5687 35.77
885 35.21
2876 34.93
166 34.91
3930 31.93
811 30.46
1073 29.62
1100 29.25
467 26.87
178 26.51
4761 24.41
663 24.40
4905 24.19
95 21.49
138 21.24
213 20.56
3718 20.25
2648 19.91