From Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
aka NASA Robotics Alliance/United Way/West Virginia University/WV Space Grant Consortium/EQT/Rev Robotics/Boeing/Aurora Flight Sciences/ARC Nano/Qualcomm/Virtus/Novelis/Haas/Hope Gas/Intuitive&NASA&MARS
Rookie Year: 2008
Details on
Hall of Fame (2017): Video, Presentation, Essay

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Robot Name: Marvin XI

Event Results

Team 2614 was 49-16-0 in official play and 80-31-0 overall in 2018.

Palmetto Regional

in Myrtle Beach, SC 29578, USA
to Week 1

Team 2614 was Rank 9 with a record of 11-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 5 and won the event.

Captain 5472
Pick 1 2614
Pick 2 2383
Backup for 2383 3140
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1923 2614 6366 125 1758 4073 247 346
6222 5063 4504 4481 5327 2614 53 435
2383 1369 2614 2815 1051 6167 406 230
4582 7085 2614 3651 4083 1369 327 91
2614 5410 2187 3489 4965 3410 244 335
4267 1398 5777 1876 2614 4748 196 440
5130 4013 4265 2614 2152 4823 81 389
4020 2614 4243 1287 5472 1319 230 388
4075 6961 342 2614 6693 4074 378 195
1923 1051 1539 2614 5472 2383 227 332
1923 1051 1539 2614 5472 2383 311 269
1923 1051 1539 2614 5472 3140 278 380
4451 1876 342 2614 5472 3140 283 337
4451 1876 342 2614 5472 3140 270 446
2614 5472 3140 343 125 5317 355 370
2614 5472 3140 343 125 5317 389 245
2614 5472 3140 343 125 5317 381 261

Smoky Mountains Regional

in Knoxville, TN 37996, USA
to Week 4

Team 2614 was Rank 1 with a record of 14-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 2614
Pick 1 4265
Pick 2 4306
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6302 4306 3821 6928 2614 4083 180 429
3489 2614 4264 4764 5002 4504 444 115
538 4265 1293 6517 5508 2614 239 421
5744 4764 4576 2614 5186 6858 160 298
144 6302 2614 343 3984 5492 237 94
2614 6846 6157 744 3966 2638 234 508
283 5022 1038 2393 5005 2614 261 355
6219 2614 2190 3201 3140 4284 361 243
3959 4013 1466 2614 1038 3140 247 295
2393 6517 538 6654 4504 2614 365 246
4265 2614 4306 1038 3966 144 495 139
4265 2614 4306 1038 3966 144 447 351
4265 2614 4306 744 3140 108 351 291
4265 2614 4306 744 3140 108 459 255
4265 2614 4306 3959 3489 1466 463 254
4265 2614 4306 3959 3489 1466 340 224

Buckeye Regional

in Cleveland, OH 44115, USA
to Week 5

Team 2614 was Rank 10 with a record of 10-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 4150
Pick 1 2614
Pick 2 2399
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2614 4601 5973 120 451 6460 387 244
2010 6916 120 2614 1405 2172 202 386
648 1507 3193 6964 2614 5413 231 454
4121 4145 379 2614 3814 4119 336 370
4150 291 2614 1317 3314 3138 317 291
4119 6490 1758 7055 2614 1248 142 375
3266 2614 1758 1590 7043 291 280 368
6027 7043 2614 2340 6181 6964 396 152
4085 4611 5667 6355 5030 2614 329 384
451 695 2614 7165 3266 2228 337 340
2614 4150 2399 1317 1014 6027 343 382
2614 4150 2399 1317 1014 6027 316 298
2614 4150 2399 1317 1014 6027 393 252
2614 4150 2399 3314 4145 5030 288 451
2614 4150 2399 3314 4145 5030 345 371

Tesla Division

in Detroit, MI, USA

Team 2614 was Rank 4 with a record of 14-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Subdivision Finalist
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 2614
Pick 1 2590
Pick 2 708
Pick 3 1720
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4472 1073 3258 2614 340 2869 353 380
2500 2056 340 5980 525 2614 415 345
7226 1506 2614 2474 5114 6077 359 336
1676 6802 2614 3038 533 1720 370 333
2614 3197 2609 1792 525 6090 369 349
4939 743 5172 3550 2614 708 362 459
7068 4680 2169 1720 2614 319 190 504
1729 2590 2614 527 2168 238 413 239
2614 3546 573 5528 4039 3623 400 313
85 1360 6618 291 2614 2169 215 391
2590 2614 708 5172 5567 1712 466 358
2590 2614 708 5172 5567 1712 429 337
525 4618 3641 2590 2614 708 377 394
3098 525 3641 2590 2614 708 275 461
2869 2056 1241 2590 2614 708 302 420
2869 2056 1241 2590 2614 708 454 292
2869 2056 1241 2590 2614 708 367 336

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 2614 was Rank 6 with a record of 9-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 2614
Pick 1 118
Pick 2 1747
Pick 3 4587
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in Morgantown, WV, USA

Team 2614 was Rank 3 with a record of 22-10-0

Captain 2614
Pick 1 1629
Pick 2 4575
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4505 9999 2614 4575 686 4265 185 295
5740 5811 48 2614 4265 4462 248 338
2655 1629 5811 888 2614 4467 435 42
2614 4575 3492 456 888 48 308 408
3504 2614 1038 3538 1629 48 329 225
4467 4265 2656 686 2655 2614 92 447
456 3260 2614 686 4467 5549 258 470
2614 2655 9999 5740 1038 5549 452 85
5740 4575 2614 9999 4467 3538 123 418
1629 2614 2656 4462 3538 179 231 397
3492 179 5549 2614 48 2655 197 379
5811 3492 9999 1038 2614 1732 187 405
2614 5549 5811 3504 4467 4505 334 289
3504 179 888 2614 4265 3260 307 501
2656 5811 3492 2655 1732 2614 266 457
4265 2614 4467 4462 2655 4575 397 227
4265 456 1629 2655 4505 2614 296 407
2655 5740 2656 5549 2614 4462 150 423
3538 2614 179 5811 9999 4505 402 208
4575 5740 686 5549 2614 48 244 330
686 4462 3260 2614 4575 456 510 213
5740 5811 2614 4265 3538 456 444 394
2614 4467 3492 888 2656 4575 407 284
9999 2614 686 1038 3538 2656 234 402
2614 1629 888 686 1038 4467 428 88
456 2656 2614 3260 3504 1038 379 162
1629 2614 4575 3260 4505 1038 543 267
1629 2614 4575 3260 4505 1038 460 249
1629 2614 4575 4265 48 4467 378 211
1629 2614 4575 4265 48 4467 359 236
3538 179 9999 1629 2614 4575 367 244
3538 179 9999 1629 2614 4575 450 271

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Robot Name: Marvin XI

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