From East York, Ontario, Canada
aka Toronto District School Board/Amada Canada Ltd./East York Collegiate SAC&East York Collegiate Institute
Rookie Year: 2002
Last competed in 2020
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Event Results

Team 907 was 21-9-0 in official play and 22-17-0 overall in 2012.

Greater Toronto East Regional

in Oshawa, ON, Canada
to Week 2

Team 907 was Rank 11 with a record of 9-6-0

Captain 781
Pick 1 907
Pick 2 1404
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4248 3117 4307 907 3985 3705 0 17
907 1221 2198 2809 3550 610 11 30
3985 3386 865 2809 2625 907 0 21
907 3988 2852 2198 3386 1547 30 22
1815 907 1246 548 4252 1075 10 24
1075 1404 907 2056 865 2185 38 59
907 3386 3550 2626 1219 781 23 32
1246 3988 4334 907 3117 3360 14 16
3705 1325 3387 4248 907 188 0 39
2185 907 1114 4248 2852 1241 69 38
907 781 1404 2809 1241 2626 38 34
1404 907 781 1241 2809 2626 44 18
2056 1219 1114 907 1404 781 58 74
1114 1219 2056 1404 781 907 80 45
2056 1219 1114 1404 781 907 75 32

Greater Toronto West Regional

in Mississauga, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 907 was Rank 8 with a record of 12-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 1241
Pick 1 907
Pick 2 771
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1325 3571 907 772 1246 4308 27 6
907 1009 2185 4094 3560 1075 35 9
907 4015 1605 1305 1219 3571 22 12
1114 1305 907 2935 4001 2076 63 4
2634 4147 1053 907 4236 3527 0 31
907 2056 2386 3541 1305 188 74 35
4022 2013 1605 907 3705 771 4 30
3705 3949 886 907 4249 1514 42 26
4343 1009 1482 907 4357 2625 6 54
1605 3933 2056 907 2935 1241 24 34
1241 771 907 2935 4069 3571 50 24
771 907 1241 2935 3571 4069 44 35
907 771 1241 2056 4001 2200 62 51
771 1241 907 2200 2056 4001 15 87
1241 771 907 4001 2200 2056 17 53

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 907 was Rank 70 with a record of 1-8-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
341 2834 33 907 1730 3940 97 32
907 148 447 1538 2590 1023 34 45
125 234 2337 1902 1024 907 86 22
907 573 2949 2614 1741 469 68 76
2834 71 907 245 118 1714 0 77
907 51 399 379 3947 744 71 40
4334 2194 27 292 907 868 74 48
907 111 772 3322 829 16 42 64
233 3138 548 340 45 907 88 49

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