Event Results

Team 772 was 31-25-0 in official play in 2014.

Greater Toronto West Regional

in Toronto, ON, Canada
to Week 1

Team 772 was Rank 15 with a record of 9-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

Captain 772
Pick 1 4001
Pick 2 2185
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2185 2634 4951 4914 772 1815 155 81
5094 2935 4308 2634 4001 772 54 115
3541 4716 772 1310 2935 907 80 110
1241 907 4946 610 772 2185 130 105
772 3541 4939 886 4343 1241 75 115
865 2634 1310 772 2935 3705 140 103
5094 865 4939 772 188 4308 10 70
772 907 5092 4250 2634 4716 71 21
5091 886 5076 3560 4308 772 12 225
4946 772 746 3705 4343 1310 90 62
907 1815 5091 772 2852 1310 83 101
4343 772 4001 188 4914 5091 155 152
907 4308 4946 772 2185 4001 69 112
907 4946 4308 772 4001 2185 117 82
4946 907 4308 772 4001 2185 77 156
1310 5076 610 4001 2185 772 207 67
1310 610 5076 772 4001 2185 92 81

North Bay Regional

in North Bay, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 772 was Rank 18 with a record of 7-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Engineering Inspiration

Captain 1310
Pick 1 3710
Pick 2 772
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5191 3543 772 5164 3571 4914 96 162
4976 4968 772 5157 4914 1334 130 118
1334 772 5076 188 4951 2994 87 102
5191 5324 4976 4902 3710 772 112 134
1605 5035 1325 772 1310 5157 90 132
4069 2994 772 3543 2200 1305 97 105
4343 2386 1305 772 4152 4476 96 83
4902 3543 1605 4001 4914 772 54 150
3710 5076 4152 3571 772 4704 92 99
772 188 4754 4152 2013 2200 169 186
610 4343 1310 772 2200 2609 246 121
772 3710 1310 3571 2386 4992 152 83
1310 772 3710 2386 4992 3571 233 39
5191 4069 4476 1310 772 3710 143 123
4476 4069 5191 772 3710 1310 174 165

Windsor Essex Great Lakes Regional

in Windsor, ON, Canada
to Week 6

Team 772 was Rank 11 with a record of 8-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • Volunteer of the Year (Gary Rossyan)
  • Volunteer of the Year (Sheri Lynn Koscielski)
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist (Jaeleen Koscielski)

Captain 3530
Pick 1 772
Pick 2 4936
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Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 772 was Rank 12 with a record of 7-3-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
540 4901 2648 573 772 1718 31 206
4159 2169 5179 772 3301 180 47 121
4125 2073 772 4486 2443 3478 125 63
5036 5024 2478 772 254 2928 100 246
1676 1323 3932 2543 75 772 172 108
3812 2848 2080 865 772 74 195 168
5297 118 772 4819 125 359 105 226
4522 772 294 230 3015 3230 216 112
4935 772 3161 2227 1629 1311 157 50
222 1287 191 772 1595 1902 93 229

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