From Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
aka Quanser Inc./Foxwood Inc./Scotiabank/Ryerson University/Sayal Electronics/Princess Auto/George's Tastee/Spectrum Nasco/ventureLAB/First Robotics Canada/YCDSB&St. Robert Catholic High School
Rookie Year: 2012
Last competed in 2018
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Event Results

Team 4001 was 15-18-0 in official play and 17-26-0 overall in 2014.

Greater Toronto West Regional

in Toronto, ON, Canada
to Week 1

Team 4001 was Rank 22 with a record of 7-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

Captain 772
Pick 1 4001
Pick 2 2185
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5091 2852 1241 4001 907 886 215 56
5094 2935 4308 2634 4001 772 54 115
610 5076 4308 1241 865 4001 130 115
4308 1815 3541 4914 3705 4001 41 106
4001 1310 4946 907 5076 3560 181 47
1241 4716 2185 3541 5076 4001 146 52
2935 4951 4001 1815 886 4946 167 140
5076 4001 2852 4939 610 1815 40 126
4939 4250 4001 610 746 1815 27 142
5091 4001 2185 4250 4939 5076 38 89
4308 4946 2634 5092 4001 188 180 105
4343 772 4001 188 4914 5091 155 152
907 4308 4946 772 2185 4001 69 112
907 4946 4308 772 4001 2185 117 82
4946 907 4308 772 4001 2185 77 156
1310 5076 610 4001 2185 772 207 67
1310 610 5076 772 4001 2185 92 81

North Bay Regional

in North Bay, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 4001 was Rank 16 with a record of 8-8-0

Captain 4343
Pick 1 4976
Pick 2 4001
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1305 4476 610 4001 2609 2013 117 43
1310 2200 4001 3571 1605 5191 105 85
2386 4001 4976 2200 610 4704 100 170
4001 1334 5164 2386 4152 4754 100 42
4704 3710 2013 4001 4152 5191 107 63
4992 4001 188 5076 5035 4968 190 22
3571 4001 4069 4976 1310 5164 97 167
4902 3543 1605 4001 4914 772 54 150
4343 5157 5324 4946 4001 4951 95 128
5324 4902 4914 1325 610 4001 175 205
4152 188 3571 2994 4001 4902 156 89
2609 4946 4951 4001 4976 4343 102 131
4946 2609 4951 4343 4976 4001 208 158
4946 2609 4951 4976 4001 4343 111 142
610 188 4914 4001 4343 4976 180 171
610 188 4914 4001 4343 4976 230 116

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