From St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
aka Fanshawe College - St. Thomas Elgin Campus/Magna International/BOS Innovations/Skyjack Inc/IEEE Foundation Canada&St. Joseph's Catholic High School
Rookie Year: 2013
Last competed in 2020
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Event Results

Team 4525 was 14-18-0 in official play in 2014.

Waterloo Regional

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 4525 was Rank 22 with a record of 4-11-0

Captain 5039
Pick 1 4525
Pick 2 4069
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5033 4907 3161 4917 4525 3949 185 47
4732 4525 4678 3756 4917 3683 52 198
4519 4917 4992 4525 2702 4943 140 17
1334 4777 4907 4525 4678 4992 120 130
865 4678 4917 1305 3683 4525 185 120
2609 5033 1305 4525 1114 4907 62 245
2702 254 3949 3756 771 4525 245 62
4525 865 771 5033 781 4069 56 311
1241 4525 1285 4519 254 4907 176 256
4943 4525 4069 2056 4039 4732 65 185
254 2056 4525 4732 781 4777 220 120
4907 4678 5032 3161 4777 4525 20 148
4525 1334 5039 4519 3683 4069 91 185
4907 4039 1114 4069 5039 4525 228 57
1114 4039 4907 5039 4525 4069 230 97

Windsor Essex Great Lakes Regional

in Windsor, ON, Canada
to Week 6

Team 4525 was Rank 7 with a record of 10-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen

Captain 4525
Pick 1 4917
Pick 2 4519
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1559 3560 3530 1325 3117 4525 148 166
4525 4940 1241 555 3530 4015 156 85
781 451 4716 5221 4525 4595 127 35
4940 1325 781 2056 772 4525 117 231
4525 4716 4917 1241 2809 3117 126 274
555 5288 4525 4932 5024 4921 104 31
5221 1114 2056 4525 1285 4678 242 80
4936 296 4525 4595 4917 4920 60 44
4814 4525 2809 1285 296 4923 169 57
3530 4525 451 4903 4936 4922 120 34
781 4525 4519 1846 2252 4936 85 113
781 1305 2252 4525 4917 4519 134 187
781 2252 1305 4519 4525 4917 179 161
1305 2252 781 4525 4917 4519 52 86
5288 1114 2056 4519 4917 4525 114 123
1114 5288 2056 4519 4917 4525 103 67
1114 5288 2056 4525 4519 4917 172 153

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