From St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
aka ETBO Tool & Die Inc & Parkside Collegiate Institute
Rookie Year: 2014
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Event Results

Team 4907 was 9-9-0 in official play in 2014.

Waterloo Regional

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 4907 was Rank 18 with a record of 9-9-0

Captain 4039
Pick 1 1114
Pick 2 4907
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5033 4907 3161 4917 4525 3949 185 47
1285 4943 254 5033 2702 4907 181 27
4039 4907 865 1114 3756 4732 112 210
1334 4777 4907 4525 4678 4992 120 130
4777 3949 1285 4943 3756 4907 107 43
2609 5033 1305 4525 1114 4907 62 245
5039 4777 4943 4917 4907 2056 92 132
4907 1285 4732 1334 2609 4678 100 217
1241 4525 1285 4519 254 4907 176 256
4907 4992 2609 771 5032 3949 48 19
4069 3161 4917 3949 1305 4907 127 72
4907 4678 5032 3161 4777 4525 20 148
3161 2702 2056 1241 1114 4907 118 265
4907 4039 1114 4069 5039 4525 228 57
1114 4039 4907 5039 4525 4069 230 97
1114 4039 4907 4992 1241 3683 156 186
4039 1114 4907 1241 4992 3683 210 166
4039 1114 4907 1241 3683 4992 215 236

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