From London, Ontario, Canada
aka Western Engineering/JMP Solutions/River Ridge Family Farms/Danby/Teens Programming/Energy Profiles Limited/SolidWorks & WE MARS
Rookie Year: 2013
Last competed in 2020
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Event Results

Team 4814 was 8-8-0 in official play in 2014.

Windsor Essex Great Lakes Regional

in Windsor, ON, Canada
to Week 6

Team 4814 was Rank 18 with a record of 8-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

Captain 2809
Pick 1 4678
Pick 2 4814
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
772 4921 4936 4814 4015 1846 115 54
4814 5288 781 3560 1114 4932 106 127
3560 4678 4814 5288 1846 4940 76 67
4814 1114 1325 4922 3117 2252 207 107
4903 1114 4921 141 4814 4923 101 33
4595 854 772 4938 1305 4814 92 44
4814 2056 555 4519 1325 451 203 110
1559 1846 5024 4903 1241 4814 106 108
4814 4525 2809 1285 296 4923 169 57
2056 4920 4938 4814 4917 5221 187 130
4940 4921 4814 1241 5221 3530 30 116
4678 4814 2809 1559 1846 3117 195 121
4678 4814 2809 1559 3117 1846 235 125
4940 1241 1285 2809 4814 4678 107 147
4940 1241 1285 4814 2809 4678 130 102
1241 1285 4940 2809 4814 4678 161 99

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