From Rockford, Illinois, USA
aka ARCO Machinery Movers/Collins Aerospace/Raytheon/WOODWARD, INC./Local 23 Plumbers and Pipefitters&Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2007
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Event Results

Team 2039 was 17-18-0 in official play in 2014.

Central Illinois Regional

in Pekin, IL, USA
to Week 1

Team 2039 was Rank 17 with a record of 11-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist

Captain 171
Pick 1 4143
Pick 2 2039
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4329 167 2039 5041 1986 4196 58 150
1288 2194 3352 1747 4296 2039 21 92
2194 4213 2039 4143 2040 171 60 112
2164 1806 4212 2039 4143 1756 106 96
167 2481 292 3352 2039 2081 81 122
2451 525 4330 2039 3138 967 30 98
2164 2039 1091 3284 1739 525 108 160
2039 1208 525 4655 1094 4213 116 77
2704 1764 1091 2039 4655 5041 121 77
292 1736 2039 1208 3138 648 177 148
2039 2481 4196 2081 3138 4256 121 61
1094 1739 2039 1756 2704 967 88 171
1806 2451 1094 2039 171 4143 191 143
1094 2451 1806 171 4143 2039 142 173
1806 2451 1094 171 4143 2039 89 162
2081 292 2022 2039 171 4143 92 119
2022 2081 292 171 4143 2039 79 109
4296 1986 525 4143 2039 171 74 143
1986 525 4296 2039 171 4143 86 68
4296 1986 525 4143 2039 171 111 92

Wisconsin Regional

in Milwaukee, WI, USA
to Week 4

Team 2039 was Rank 48 with a record of 6-9-0

Captain 537
Pick 1 3418
Pick 2 2039
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3081 1625 2039 111 1736 4804 107 73
2202 4247 2512 1716 2039 2830 101 47
2705 2039 192 2530 4212 5096 92 117
3018 706 3734 5096 4655 2039 155 67
2039 48 2194 3692 2481 4531 118 141
3596 3300 537 876 3135 2039 129 111
5148 4786 2039 2470 93 1622 74 112
2039 1714 3692 4646 930 2826 74 82
4247 2039 2481 4859 269 2040 117 69
4296 3381 1259 2039 171 1091 46 89
537 2039 3418 2470 192 1675 123 91
537 3418 2039 192 2470 1675 155 146
537 3418 2039 3018 706 1259 147 115
2039 537 3418 1259 706 3018 72 205
3418 2039 537 706 3018 1259 138 230

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