From Saint Charles, Missouri, USA
aka The Boeing Company/Francis Howell School District/Boeing Employees Community Fund/US Navy&Francis Howell High School&Francis Howell Central HS&Francis Howell North High Sch
Rookie Year: 2004
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Event Results

Team 1288 was 18-14-0 in official play in 2014.

Central Illinois Regional

in Pekin, IL, USA
to Week 1

Team 1288 was Rank 29 with a record of 7-9-0

Captain 1756
Pick 1 967
Pick 2 1288
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1739 3352 167 4330 1288 1756 58 156
1288 2194 3352 1747 4296 2039 21 92
3138 2704 525 1288 1806 167 155 135
1756 4196 1747 292 2704 1288 70 100
1288 4256 4655 2194 2022 4786 135 57
1208 3284 4655 1091 2040 1288 107 80
4212 2481 4256 1288 4213 1986 80 146
4329 2451 1288 3352 2481 2164 67 110
2451 2081 171 1736 3138 1288 171 110
2081 1288 4296 1094 1764 1806 60 131
4329 967 4143 648 1747 1288 123 172
5041 1288 2022 4213 525 167 95 215
1288 967 1756 1747 3284 3138 214 138
1756 1288 967 3284 1747 3138 159 132
525 4296 1986 1756 1288 967 175 136
4296 1986 525 1756 967 1288 180 77

St. Louis Regional

in St. Louis, MO, USA
to Week 3

Team 1288 was Rank 8 with a record of 11-5-0

Captain 931
Pick 1 1288
Pick 2 2838
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4331 5326 4154 4314 3330 1288 11 100
4500 5147 3868 5326 1288 1501 11 110
4028 4329 3792 1094 1288 2978 122 112
1208 2408 1329 1288 4154 4028 115 131
1288 4156 279 3792 5002 3397 121 52
2783 4931 2838 1288 4331 4256 67 106
4931 1706 1288 4356 931 5176 106 48
1288 3868 2902 2978 4256 1985 101 175
2665 1985 1288 4404 4156 5002 136 36
1288 1178 4356 1658 5060 4600 96 145
4500 1288 4232 2902 4187 4330 135 89
1658 4246 279 931 1288 2838 121 151
4246 1658 279 1288 2838 931 101 195
4500 3284 1501 2838 1288 931 75 120
3284 1501 4500 931 1288 2838 186 135
4500 1501 3284 2838 1288 931 220 121

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