From Hartland, Wisconsin, USA
aka Rockwell Automation/Axis Automation/GE&Arrowhead Union High School
Rookie Year: 2001
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Event Results

Team 706 was 22-15-0 in official play in 2014.

Lake Superior Regional

in Duluth, MN, USA
to Week 2

Team 706 was Rank 9 with a record of 12-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 3313
Pick 1 706
Pick 2 3883
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2052 706 3828 2264 3839 3871 105 17
3278 4054 2503 3122 706 2526 16 75
4539 2472 706 2479 4011 4986 160 0
5299 4011 3883 706 3294 4217 75 110
4011 3297 706 3102 2052 3692 81 155
706 3840 3846 5143 4181 3300 57 26
3054 93 3122 4397 4230 706 102 145
1714 3313 2977 2169 5340 706 87 117
4207 5290 4009 706 3755 3630 151 140
3054 706 3740 4845 1816 3042 91 165
706 3313 3883 1816 93 2472 91 106
706 3883 3313 93 2472 1816 127 77
3883 706 3313 93 1816 2472 153 87
3313 3883 706 4539 3277 3755 88 101
706 3313 3883 4539 3277 3755 111 74
3313 706 3883 3277 3755 4539 112 100
3313 706 3883 3692 2052 3018 96 92
706 3883 3313 3018 3692 2052 92 112
706 3883 3313 3692 3018 2052 101 145

Wisconsin Regional

in Milwaukee, WI, USA
to Week 4

Team 706 was Rank 15 with a record of 10-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 3018
Pick 1 706
Pick 2 1259
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2481 167 3197 706 4143 930 112 78
4859 1675 4786 938 3418 706 78 141
3381 4804 5148 2062 706 2077 2 118
3018 706 3734 5096 4655 2039 155 67
4247 1091 938 706 537 2705 49 183
2194 2470 706 2512 269 1259 161 108
1091 706 1732 4143 2826 81 141 90
167 4095 706 1306 111 93 131 218
706 3692 3300 1625 4296 1622 76 141
4212 4786 706 2830 876 4646 141 209
3018 1259 706 2081 1736 93 130 176
706 1259 3018 93 2081 1736 210 172
1259 3018 706 2081 1736 93 197 188
537 3418 2039 3018 706 1259 147 115
2039 537 3418 1259 706 3018 72 205
3418 2039 537 706 3018 1259 138 230
3018 1259 706 2202 2481 1732 90 167
3018 1259 706 2481 2202 1732 170 245

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