From Goleta, California, USA
aka Raytheon/Mosher Foundation/Outhwaite Foundation/Valley Precision Products/ Alumni Association/Neal Feay Company/Edison International/Rincon Engineering/Amgen Foundation/ATK Space/Tecolote Research, Inc./Allergan Foundation/Downey's/Lockheed Martin/Enerpro, Inc./Toyon Research Corporation/FLIR/Montecito Bank & Trust/Rincon Technology/Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope/Citrix Online/Impulse Advanced Communications/AFAR Communications Inc./Silvergreens/City of Goleta/Santa Barbara County ROP & DOS PUEBLOS SENIOR HIGH
Rookie Year: 2006
Last competed in 2015
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Event Results

Team 1717 was 36-12-0 in official play in 2014.

Los Angeles Regional sponsored by The Roddenberry Foundation

in Long Beach, CA, USA
to Week 4

Team 1717 was Rank 4 with a record of 14-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Captain 294
Pick 1 1717
Pick 2 5124
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1717 1692 1515 4501 2496 207 80 42
4123 1717 5089 4997 3027 3970 41 85
848 2584 3453 1717 3408 4413 27 121
980 1197 1438 4960 4276 1717 46 141
988 3752 4960 974 3120 1717 7 116
691 1717 294 3309 4913 3993 197 98
4079 5102 1148 330 1717 3752 34 96
4966 2576 3408 4415 1759 1717 55 125
1197 1717 4964 973 4 3953 78 100
1717 1836 968 4141 2404 1138 66 49
294 5124 1717 1515 3512 1197 151 71
1717 294 5124 1197 3512 1515 136 115
1160 3970 4201 294 1717 5124 101 155
4201 1160 3970 1717 5124 294 163 216
973 980 330 294 1717 5124 157 165
973 980 330 1717 294 5124 181 126
980 330 973 1717 294 5124 146 236

Las Vegas Regional

in Las Vegas, NV, USA
to Week 6

Team 1717 was Rank 3 with a record of 14-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 1717
Pick 1 3476
Pick 2 687
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1717 3577 988 5049 3476 2403 136 95
3255 1717 1515 4792 2478 4160 132 32
2034 1726 5049 1717 4322 2478 85 156
1717 2122 2486 3965 988 3598 173 91
4276 2486 1197 1717 2102 3288 71 175
1717 3245 4276 4 1631 1726 220 15
2493 2034 1572 3309 1717 4962 35 130
1717 1538 687 1266 5012 2034 131 81
4470 585 1717 3288 4800 4146 41 80
3473 1717 1631 3309 2485 1538 51 172
2429 687 399 5049 60 1717 81 157
3009 4322 2034 3501 4 1717 42 221
1717 3476 687 1266 1165 60 195 61
3476 687 1717 1165 60 1266 165 98
1572 2122 399 3476 1717 687 211 96
399 1572 2122 3476 1717 687 152 165
399 2122 1572 1717 3476 687 136 295
987 2485 2478 3476 687 1717 166 145
2485 987 2478 1717 3476 687 175 130

Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1717 was Rank 8 with a record of 8-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 1717
Pick 1 2122
Pick 2 3683
Pick 3 193
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