From Escondido, California, USA
aka Qualcomm/Caterpillar/Nordson/Teradata/Meziere Enterprises/Precision Graphic Systems/EUHSD/SolidWorks/Solar Turbine/Hoa Tran/DoD Stem/Uva's Grip and Lighting/Motorola Solutions&San Pasqual High School
Rookie Year: 2010
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Event Results

Team 3255 was 15-13-0 in official play and 17-15-0 overall in 2014.

San Diego Regional

in San Diego, CA, USA
to Week 2

Team 3255 was Rank 26 with a record of 5-8-0

Captain 3128
Pick 1 3255
Pick 2 2339
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Las Vegas Regional

in Las Vegas, NV, USA
to Week 6

Team 3255 was Rank 6 with a record of 10-5-0

Captain 3255
Pick 1 1538
Pick 2 3019
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2485 4322 2429 3245 399 3255 85 188
3255 1717 1515 4792 2478 4160 132 32
3245 4962 4470 3255 4792 5012 60 120
1515 1726 3476 5049 4962 3255 210 87
687 2034 3011 2485 3255 3965 26 200
3187 1266 3255 399 2486 3309 136 206
2102 3577 3255 1538 4 585 170 96
2478 3473 3255 1572 3965 3577 79 171
987 3019 3288 3255 2403 60 175 176
2122 3255 4800 4276 5012 3187 181 91
4146 4276 3255 3473 1197 2493 156 113
3019 1538 3255 4322 4276 3309 146 102
3255 1538 3019 4276 4322 3309 170 112
2485 987 2478 3255 3019 1538 225 77
2478 2485 987 3255 1538 3019 235 158

Fall Classic (Saturday)

in Placentia, CA, USA

Team 3255 had a record of 2-2-0

Captain 3309
Pick 1 4201
Pick 2 3255
Pick 3 1138C
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3309 4201 3255 4964 1138 294 106 96
3309 4201 3255 696 3476 599 153 110
3309 4201 3255 696 3476 599 103 190
3309 4201 3255 696 3476 599 53 255

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