Shenzhen Regional 2018

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5831 6706 5445 6952 7095 5839 296 270
6304 7149 5453 6940 7047 1797 182 170
7184 1884 5823 6941 6948 6356 332 196
7080 5449 6801 6383 5849 7238 296 51
7006 5883 5522 7000 6393 5516 370 146
6766 6386 6941 6946 7009 6402 146 227
6304 5445 7184 5453 5516 5522 32 404
7149 6393 5849 5831 6356 7000 201 207
5839 6801 6402 7047 6766 5823 252 326
6946 6940 7006 6952 5449 6706 188 380
6383 1797 6386 7095 7080 5883 228 196
7009 7238 5839 1884 6393 6948 185 282
5445 5516 7095 6941 5449 5831 184 343
6706 7149 6940 6304 6383 1884 169 203
6402 5849 7080 5522 7047 6946 174 330
6952 7238 5453 6801 7184 7006 315 163
6356 1797 5883 6948 5823 7000 284 149
5522 6766 7009 6386 5831 7149 211 287
7006 6402 7238 1797 6948 7095 303 189
1884 7080 6706 5823 5445 6356 292 198
5849 7009 5516 6952 7000 6383 295 170
6801 6940 6766 5453 6946 6304 179 250
7184 7047 6941 5449 6386 6393 113 348
5522 5839 5831 5883 5453 1797 92 393
6402 7000 6766 7184 7047 6952 192 209
5839 6946 1884 5445 6383 7009 335 161
7080 5823 5883 6940 6393 7238 399 71
6386 6356 5849 5516 6304 7095 328 84
5449 7006 6941 6706 6801 6948 334 249
7149 7000 6946 6356 7238 6304 260 148
7095 5849 7184 6393 7006 6706 278 316
5883 6941 6940 5823 5522 1797 265 254
6948 7009 6952 5445 5449 7047 134 269
1884 6402 7149 6801 5453 6386 264 423
7080 5831 5516 5839 6383 6766 219 117
1797 6941 6393 6952 5823 6801 238 204
7047 6356 5831 7006 6304 7009 253 236
6706 7184 5522 7000 5849 5839 351 117
5516 5883 6402 7238 7080 7149 342 136
5445 6948 5453 6766 7095 1884 214 230
6383 6946 5449 6940 6386 5516 199 190
7095 5453 6941 1884 7006 7000 360 267
6356 6383 6393 6801 7149 7047 112 304
6946 5823 5849 5839 7080 6386 190 363
6766 6948 7238 7009 6940 5445 247 42
7184 1797 5449 6706 5522 6402 163 242
6304 6952 6386 5831 5883 1884 220 414
5823 7095 7006 5522 7149 7184 320 394
1797 7238 5516 5453 6766 5849 181 344
6356 5839 6940 6402 6941 6952 116 315
6393 6948 5883 7047 6706 6383 304 121
6304 6801 5831 5445 6946 7080 272 75
7000 7009 7047 5449 5522 6766 146 356
1797 6706 5839 6946 6941 6304 272 85
5823 6386 5445 7006 5831 6383 327 252
7095 6402 6801 6393 7009 7080 319 209
5453 6356 5449 7149 6952 5883 404 254
7238 7000 7184 5849 1884 6940 85 369
6948 6386 5522 5516 6952 6356 237 263
7009 1884 6801 6941 5839 5823 45 392
5449 6940 7000 7080 6766 7006 165 289
7047 5516 6948 5883 7184 5831 201 386
5849 6706 6304 7149 6402 1797 112 319
6393 5453 6383 7238 7095 6946 319 178
5445 6952 6766 5516 6941 7149 199 143
7009 6356 7095 6940 5839 5453 238 322
7000 5883 6706 6402 6393 6946 386 220
6386 5445 7006 5823 6304 5449 178 312
6383 6801 5522 6948 7184 7080 383 228
7238 1884 7047 5831 1797 5849 183 362
6383 5516 5823 6402 7184 6948 397 222
7080 6940 6952 5849 7006 5453 193 392
7000 7095 1797 6386 7238 6706 15 371
7047 6304 6393 6941 5445 7009 292 178
6766 5831 6946 1884 5522 6356 142 250
7149 5839 5449 5883 6801 5445 296 340


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 5883 5453 5849
Alliance 2 5449 5522 6941
Alliance 3 5831 6766 6952
Alliance 4 6706 6402 6948 (6801)
Alliance 5 1884 1797 7149 (7047)
Alliance 6 6386 6304 7080 (6946)
Alliance 7 5823 5839 5516
Alliance 8 6393 6356 7006

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5453 5883 5849 6356 6393 7006 485 192
5453 5883 5849 6356 6393 7006 336 228
6402 6706 6948 1797 1884 7047 358 209
6402 6706 6948 1797 1884 7047 199 377
6402 6706 6801 1797 1884 7047 350 100
5522 5449 6941 5839 5823 5516 260 351
5522 5449 6941 5839 5823 5516 368 248
5522 5449 6941 5839 5823 5516 352 314
6766 5831 6952 6304 6386 7080 246 297
6766 5831 6952 6304 6386 7080 209 385
5453 5883 5849 6402 6706 6801 400 173
5453 5883 5849 6402 6706 6801 552 117
5522 5449 6941 6304 6386 6946 351 170
5522 5449 6941 6304 6386 6946 320 130
5453 5883 5849 5522 5449 6941 450 237
5453 5883 5849 5522 5449 6941 406 335

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Park/Climb Points Auto Ownership Vault Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 5883 2.07 580 233 2898 345 11-2-0 0 13 27
2 5453 2.07 495 235 3177 335 12-1-0 0 13 27
3 5449 1.84 535 244 2800 275 10-3-0 0 13 24
4 5831 1.69 380 213 2445 270 10-3-0 0 13 22
5 5522 1.61 530 258 2739 325 9-4-0 0 13 21
6 6706 1.61 380 212 2517 255 9-4-0 0 13 21
7 1884 1.53 380 188 2451 345 9-4-0 0 13 20
8 6386 1.38 475 200 2671 255 8-5-0 0 13 18
9 5823 1.38 405 289 2500 360 7-6-0 0 13 18
10 1797 1.30 390 197 2183 200 7-6-0 0 13 17
11 6393 1.30 295 235 2233 235 7-6-0 0 13 17
12 6402 1.23 450 171 2426 220 7-6-0 0 13 16
13 6941 1.23 360 207 2108 180 7-6-0 0 13 16
14 6766 1.23 225 205 2288 165 7-6-0 0 13 16
15 6356 1.15 370 189 2072 230 7-6-0 0 13 15
16 7047 1.15 280 193 2187 240 7-6-0 0 13 15
17 7149 1.07 380 216 2304 240 6-7-0 0 13 14
18 6801 1.07 345 199 2524 215 7-6-0 0 13 14
19 5516 1.07 320 237 2124 285 6-7-0 0 13 14
20 5849 1.00 530 168 2118 240 6-7-0 0 13 13
21 6952 1.00 385 169 2171 235 6-7-0 0 13 13
22 6946 1.00 255 207 1874 190 6-7-0 0 13 13
23 7006 0.92 480 174 2483 380 6-7-0 0 13 12
24 7080 0.92 435 149 2089 295 6-7-0 0 13 12
25 6304 0.92 255 182 1708 165 6-7-0 0 13 12
26 6383 0.92 215 186 2048 195 6-7-0 0 13 12
27 7184 0.84 565 162 1671 385 5-8-0 0 13 11
28 5839 0.84 475 196 1964 225 5-8-0 0 13 11
29 5445 0.84 255 202 1624 175 5-8-0 0 13 11
30 7238 0.69 235 145 1739 240 4-9-0 0 13 9
31 6948 0.61 415 179 1922 225 3-10-0 0 13 8
32 7095 0.53 375 199 1776 275 3-10-0 0 13 7
33 7000 0.53 240 184 1595 185 3-10-0 0 13 7
34 6940 0.46 285 170 1714 205 3-10-0 0 13 6
35 7009 0.30 340 186 1457 185 2-11-0 0 13 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

London, England, United Kingdom
London, England, United Kingdom
Kunming, Yunnan, China
Beijing, Beijing, China
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Shenzhen , Guangdong, China
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Macau, Macau, China
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Qingdao, Shandong, China
Kraśnik, Lubelskie, Poland
zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
GUANGZHOU, Guangdong, China
Zhengzhou, Henan, China
İSTANBUL, Istanbul, Türkiye
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Kunming, Yunnan, China
Kartal, Istanbul, Türkiye
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
ZhengZhou, Henan, China
zhengzhou , Henan, China
Beijing, Beijing, China
Beijing, Beijing, China
Beijing, Beijing, China
Foushan, Guangdong, China
zhengzhou, Henan, China
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 5883
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 6304
Rookie All Star Award 6952
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Muktar Ali (1884)
Volunteer of the Year Jusky Zhu
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Hang Yin (5823)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Zhang Yuchen (5449)
Regional Winners 5883
Regional Winners 5453
Regional Winners 5849
Regional Finalists 5449
Regional Finalists 5522
Regional Finalists 6941
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1797
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 6356
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 5831
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 5823
Highest Rookie Seed 6941
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1884
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 5453
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 5449
Judges' Award 6393
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 6706
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 7184
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 6393
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 6402
Wildcard 5449
Wildcard 5522

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
5453 188.52
5883 171.44
5449 145.03
5823 144.70
6386 126.88
1884 116.90
6706 116.40
7006 112.75
5522 111.76
6402 108.11
5831 107.63
6801 85.65
7047 85.21
6952 84.71
5849 84.49
5516 81.97
6393 80.01
5839 79.01
7149 73.70
7095 66.67
6941 66.44
6356 65.81
6766 62.28
7184 60.59
7080 58.15
1797 54.27
6946 52.67
7009 52.36
6948 50.19
6383 39.77
7238 39.64
5445 18.94
6940 18.86
7000 11.52
6304 6.87


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 369 456 80.92%
Auto Switch Owned 34 152 22.37%
Auto Quest * 19 152 12.50%
Force Played 61 152 40.13%
Levitate Played 62 152 40.79%
Boost Played 101 152 66.45%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 58 456 12.72%
Face the Boss * 0 152 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
0 152 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 423 in Q34
Average Match Score 242.16
Average Winning Score 312.14
Average Win Margin 139.97
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 12.14 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 0.04 58.57 58.61
Average Switch Ownership Points 3.20 100.19 103.39
Scale Neutral % 99.74% 13.24% 21.89%
Winner Scale Ownership % 0.18% 76.68% 69.03%
Winner Switch Ownership % 14.82% 82.83% 76.03%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 28.23% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.61 --
Average # Boost Played -- 1.74 --
Average Vault Points -- 19.28 --
Average Endgame Points -- 29.28 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 13.29
Average Score 15.38 213.49 242.16


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 94 96 97.92%
Auto Switch Owned 15 32 46.88%
Auto Quest * 15 32 46.88%
Force Played 22 32 68.75%
Levitate Played 20 32 62.50%
Boost Played 25 32 78.12%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 17 96 17.71%
Face the Boss * 0 32 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 552 in SF1-2
Average Match Score 297.03
Average Winning Score 383.62
Average Win Margin 173.19
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 14.69 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 2.06 64.12 66.19
Average Switch Ownership Points 6.75 112.25 119.00
Scale Neutral % 86.25% 5.00% 13.13%
Winner Scale Ownership % 10.42% 85.83% 78.29%
Winner Switch Ownership % 28.75% 89.68% 83.58%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 11.06% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.59 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.00 --
Average Vault Points -- 26.88 --
Average Endgame Points -- 41.88 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 19.84
Average Score 23.50 253.69 297.03
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