From Albany, Georgia, USA
aka Deerfield Windsor School
Rookie Year: 2018
Last competed in 2022
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Event Results

Team 7315 was 29-33-1 in official play in 2022.

As a member of the Peachtree district, Team 7315 ranked 15 having earned 167 points.

PCH District Columbus Event

in Columbus, GA, USA
to Week 3

Team 7315 was Rank 15 with a record of 6-11-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 8100
Pick 1 6910
Pick 2 7315

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 12
Alliance Points 6
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 18
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4188 7315 4701 3091 6905 8100 50 0
5632 3091 4701 7315 3635 6905 19 23
1648 4701 8865 3344 8849 7315 28 0
3635 5293 1261 2415 5828 7315 23 6
8849 6910 5828 3635 8815 7315 0 38
6925 6919 7315 4701 3635 8100 23 40
3091 6910 7315 5632 6925 6919 7 46
7315 8100 8849 4112 3091 4509 9 18
6925 7315 4188 8815 1414 1648 51 34
8865 6905 7470 1414 7315 5293 15 33
7315 5632 8815 7538 8865 6919 24 13
4188 3344 7538 5293 7315 1414 56 31
4509 1648 2415 8865 7315 3344 20 11
2415 1261 1414 7315 4509 4112 53 15
7315 1648 7538 4509 2415 6910 17 20
4701 3635 8865 6910 8100 7315 39 16
4701 3635 8865 6910 8100 7315 36 6

PCH District Albany Event

in Albany, GA, USA
to Week 5

Team 7315 was Rank 8 with a record of 11-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 7315
Pick 1 5632
Pick 2 5828

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 38
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1002 3344 3635 4701 8815 7315 50 37
6471 7315 6829 7104 5632 6925 43 26
7470 7315 1002 1795 7538 3329 32 24
2415 5219 6829 7315 1683 7470 46 48
1414 7315 5632 6829 4701 3815 49 26
6829 6919 6910 1795 7315 3344 47 22
6925 3344 5632 7315 6919 5828 40 50
7315 7538 2415 1746 3815 1414 36 40
6919 3815 7315 7470 6471 3329 57 54
7104 3329 6919 7315 3091 5219 66 5
1002 5828 3635 3329 3091 7315 21 34
6925 1683 7315 3815 7104 3344 38 27
3329 7470 8815 5632 7315 5828 44 38
3329 7470 8815 5632 7315 5828 33 36
3329 7470 8815 5632 7315 5828 47 56
6829 1414 1002 5632 7315 5828 40 45
6829 1414 1002 5632 7315 5828 60 52
6829 1414 1002 5632 7315 5828 69 46

Peachtree District State Championship

in Macon, GA, USA
to Week 6

Team 7315 was Rank 30 with a record of 10-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Winner

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1771
Pick 1 2974
Pick 2 7315

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 3
Playoff Points 90
Award Points 0
Total Points 111
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7451 6705 1746 4701 832 7315 54 41
7315 8736 1311 6919 8849 5632 93 56
1771 1261 8083 4188 7315 6919 115 63
6925 6341 4701 6340 7315 4189 30 63
1261 7315 6829 8083 1746 1311 73 65
6910 7315 6341 6829 1683 8849 34 51
6712 8083 7315 3344 8866 8080 43 48
7315 1414 8080 6340 8866 2974 51 101
8736 6340 1414 7451 8849 7315 126 22
1311 4701 5632 7315 4509 1648 56 60
6910 3635 6340 5632 8866 7315 63 49
7315 1746 3635 8080 8083 5632 43 47
2974 1771 7315 6341 832 5632 124 73
2974 1771 7315 6341 832 5632 116 60
2974 1771 7315 6829 1746 1648 124 88
2974 1771 7315 6829 1746 1648 88 60
2974 1771 7315 4188 1261 8080 120 88
2974 1771 7315 4188 1261 8080 126 81

Hopper Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 7315 was Rank 62 with a record of 2-7-1

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