From Kingston, Michigan, USA
aka Gene Haas Foundation/DTE Foundation/Kent Kramer Memorial/Nexteer (through Great Lakes Bay Region)/Dow (through Great Lakes Bay Region)/Andy-Mark/Michigan Department of Education/Toyota/Tuscola Community Foundation&Kingston Jr Sr High School
Rookie Year: 2014
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Robot Name: Duodeviginti

Event Results

Team 4994 was 29-18-0 in official play in 2018.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 4994 ranked 125 having earned 112 points.

FIM District Kettering University Event #1

in Flint, MI 48504, USA
to Week 1

Team 4994 was Rank 7 with a record of 14-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 5 and won the event.

Captain 4994
Pick 1 245
Pick 2 6091

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 17
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 64
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5641 6086 6081 5224 5660 4994 87 241
5282 5251 1322 4994 5612 5166 234 221
5641 4994 6033 70 894 6091 302 161
5517 5067 5697 6610 3568 4994 271 211
5251 6610 5260 5524 4994 5527 55 305
6086 4994 70 322 3568 1322 410 169
3568 894 5561 7223 4994 5067 342 194
4994 5150 5282 6081 5524 322 342 150
1 5234 4994 5067 5641 6877 415 84
5114 6877 4994 5524 7211 6033 331 278
4994 6081 1322 5517 5214 7211 276 357
4994 2145 5214 5612 7223 6610 252 182
5150 70 5697 245 4994 6091 225 422
5150 70 5697 245 4994 6091 195 294
3535 2145 6877 245 4994 6091 179 371
3535 2145 6877 245 4994 6091 130 271
245 4994 6091 7211 5114 5612 311 235
245 4994 6091 7211 5114 5612 371 267

FIM District Milford Event

in Milford, MI 48357, USA
to Week 3

Team 4994 was Rank 14 with a record of 10-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 5561
Pick 1 51
Pick 2 4994

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 2
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 27
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6190 3568 6583 3668 4994 51 30 446
3536 27 33 4994 67 201 331 294
4994 5561 7191 201 5215 7223 263 95
308 7223 4994 6117 2612 5685 274 235
4776 6117 5460 5215 4994 503 273 306
7196 6117 4994 7225 7220 2145 189 346
7254 7232 6078 2145 5685 4994 120 399
5460 5641 4994 67 7192 5215 328 129
4994 6559 1701 5685 3536 7192 220 398
2612 7178 7192 7220 2960 4994 146 397
3568 7254 2960 548 4994 4776 308 254
4362 3707 503 4994 7192 7254 477 72
51 5561 4994 5524 3668 3568 429 279
51 5561 4994 5524 3668 3568 416 118
51 5561 4994 3536 3707 7178 370 351
51 5561 4994 3536 3707 7178 207 367
51 5561 4994 3536 3707 7178 177 451

Michigan State Championship - Ford Division

in University Center, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 4994 was Rank 36 with a record of 5-7-0

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 21
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 21
Watch All Matches

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