From Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA
aka US Army Engineer Research & Development Center/DoDSTEM/Gene Haas Foundation/International Paper Foundation/Entergy/REV Robotics&Warren Central High School&Academy of Innovation&River City Early College&Vicksburg Catholic School
Rookie Year: 2000
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Event Results

Team 456 was 18-10-0 in official play and 51-20-1 overall in 2016.

Bayou Regional

in Kenner, LA 70065, USA
to Week 3

Team 456 was Rank 5 with a record of 8-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 456
Pick 1 364
Pick 2 5997
Watch All Matches

Rocket City Regional

in Huntsville, AL 35801, USA
to Week 4

Team 456 was Rank 6 with a record of 10-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 456
Pick 1 2815
Pick 2 6158
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
456 5551 624 3337 2783 6158 88 24
5845 456 1902 5551 5034 179 90 67
442 3490 456 801 2918 5858 73 45
1902 283 945 456 4553 2973 39 90
6107 5717 118 456 283 179 95 117
2815 34 456 1706 5180 6198 92 52
3959 4924 4013 6198 456 79 75 88
538 3319 364 4188 6107 456 92 104
3814 442 4188 2190 456 5006 78 74
2190 179 3397 456 1466 5472 91 87
5045 5006 4020 2815 456 6158 115 133
5045 5006 4020 2815 456 6158 117 103
5045 5006 4020 2815 456 6158 119 140
118 16 3490 2815 456 6158 198 99
118 16 3490 2815 456 6158 214 86

West Virginia RObotics eXtreme

in Morgantown, WV, USA

Team 456 had a record of 27-6-1 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9999 4954 2655 2614 456 4505 38 118
48 888 456 3504 3193 3844 114 96
3193 456 3844 1629 2655 5418 118 95
3844 3504 1071 456 3193 686 93 141
2655 3492 3504 2656 1629 456 40 106
456 2655 2614 3260 4467 2656 109 75
456 3511 1325 5418 4954 2656 132 99
1629 2614 3511 1071 456 4265 85 89
2656 5418 686 456 48 3260 49 94
2655 3260 48 456 686 1708 76 97
1126 456 1071 3511 4265 48 93 96
4265 888 686 456 3492 4954 108 94
2656 456 3844 3492 2614 3511 102 105
3504 456 1126 3511 1325 4954 120 63
1126 4505 5418 456 686 9999 101 101
1071 9999 1708 888 3492 456 68 88
5418 9999 456 4265 1126 1325 103 88
4467 456 4505 1071 4954 1708 92 78
4505 888 1708 456 1071 2614 72 127
1629 888 3844 456 3260 4467 103 107
9999 5418 686 4467 456 3492 58 112
48 456 5418 2656 4265 3193 97 95
2655 456 9999 2656 1629 3844 99 108
456 3511 4954 9999 48 888 122 63
456 3193 3504 2655 4467 4505 115 111
1708 2614 4265 3260 456 1071 105 87
3504 1126 4954 456 4265 3844 84 115
2614 456 3492 9999 3504 3260 168 60
2614 456 3492 9999 3504 3260 88 0
2614 456 3492 1325 4467 686 94 141
2614 456 3492 1325 4467 686 96 86
2614 456 3492 1325 4467 686 123 102
2614 456 3492 4265 3844 5418 148 108
2614 456 3492 4265 3844 5418 143 89

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