From Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
aka NASA Robotics Alliance/United Way/West Virginia University/WV Space Grant Consortium/EQT/Rev Robotics/Boeing/Aurora Flight Sciences/ARC Nano/Qualcomm/Virtus/Novelis/Haas/Hope Gas/Intuitive&NASA&MARS
Rookie Year: 2008
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Hall of Fame (2017): Video, Presentation, Essay

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Event Results

Team 2614 was 24-17-0 in official play and 36-34-0 overall in 2024.

Greater Pittsburgh Regional

in Pittsburgh, PA, USA
to Week 1

Team 2614 was Rank 33 with a record of 6-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional FIRST Impact Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 5).

Captain 379
Pick 1 2614
Pick 2 2013
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Miami Valley Regional

in Cincinnati, OH, USA
to Week 6

Team 2614 was Rank 3 with a record of 14-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Gracious Professionalism Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and won the event.

Captain 4028
Pick 1 2614
Pick 2 424
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6964 1308 2603 2614 8222 4930 37 69
4028 4145 2614 677 3184 3260 98 60
2603 4611 2614 7165 554 7460 58 74
8145 2010 6936 2614 3260 5811 37 80
5667 3492 5811 2614 6032 2220 108 64
8140 9597 128 1014 2614 5492 62 72
4576 4467 1038 4085 144 2614 81 97
9597 2614 8393 48 144 8243 86 63
451 2614 1317 1014 5740 3814 57 56
1507 3201 2614 6032 3814 4145 104 46
2614 424 9097 3324 2603 1507 83 63
2614 4028 424 7460 554 4467 128 51
2614 4028 424 1038 2220 1507 117 84
9597 325 5811 424 4028 2614 95 111
2614 4028 424 3193 4611 5667 138 76
2614 4028 424 3193 4611 5667 118 80

Milstein Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 2614 was Rank 29 with a record of 4-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 2).

Captain 9535
Pick 1 2614
Pick 2 179
Pick 3 4285
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in Fairmont, WV, USA

Team 2614 was Rank 18 with a record of 12-17-0

Captain 122
Pick 1 2614
Pick 2 3492
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3492 3538 9475 2614 9015 456 53 44
2614 157 122 1466 8324 195 71 81
2614 4150 4085 5740 346 7515 57 52
2614 1640 4099 319 5811 8324 49 53
5740 1188 2614 3504 4085 157 57 42
27 5811 2614 3459 1086 4099 66 52
2614 5811 9475 3538 3940 1466 49 127
3492 2614 3504 157 195 9475 30 81
9475 5740 2614 9015 3504 1640 45 64
3940 319 9015 1466 7515 2614 105 25
1188 4265 4467 3940 195 2614 60 122
195 4265 4150 3459 1086 2614 86 62
4085 1086 1640 27 2614 9475 40 86
9475 1640 7515 346 2614 1629 40 65
2614 319 3459 3492 456 122 43 42
3940 4099 3260 1640 2614 1086 77 82
4467 27 3459 4085 2614 456 100 46
2614 122 1466 3492 346 1188 48 41
4467 3538 2614 122 3260 8324 32 72
4467 122 346 3260 1629 2614 76 80
4150 2614 3459 5811 1629 195 47 107
157 2614 3538 4099 319 346 64 56
1629 27 4085 4265 2614 8324 78 23
1466 3260 27 2614 4150 1629 86 59
1086 5740 9015 2614 4467 27 47 86
157 4265 4150 9015 1188 2614 77 36
4150 3260 5811 157 2614 1188 62 59
2614 3492 122 5811 5740 3260 70 84
2614 3492 122 1640 9475 27 39 95

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