Event Results

Team 2549 was 15-11-2 in official play in 2011.

Minnesota North Star Regional

in Minneapolis, MN, USA
to Week 5

Team 2549 was Rank 25 with a record of 9-7-2 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 3278
Pick 1 2177
Pick 2 2549
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2531 3130 2525 2225 2549 1939 23 36
3633 3291 3848 2549 3292 3290 0 11
648 2549 2883 1730 2491 3691 9 80
2529 2549 3058 3293 1764 2667 21 9
2143 3290 2654 1652 2207 2549 48 21
2220 2549 2175 3058 3102 3090 76 2
2549 3699 2823 3277 2164 2977 18 21
2480 3122 648 3278 2549 2129 0 0
3723 2549 537 3055 2239 2512 38 89
171 648 1939 2177 3278 2549 60 0
1939 648 171 2549 3278 2177 53 77
1939 648 171 3278 2177 2549 62 65
3278 2177 2549 537 3130 3293 18 57
3278 2549 2177 537 3293 3130 21 6
2549 3278 2177 537 3130 3293 45 18
2225 2512 1730 2177 3278 2549 108 24
1730 2225 2512 3278 2177 2549 0 0
2225 1730 2512 3278 2549 2177 44 47

Archimedes Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 2549 was Rank 30 with a record of 6-4-0

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