From Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
aka 'Iolani School & Iolani School
Rookie Year: 2008
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Event Results

Team 2438 was 9-6-1 in official play in 2010.

Hawaii Regional sponsored by BAE Systems

in Honolulu, HI, USA
to Week 4

Team 2438 was Rank 6 with a record of 9-6-1 and won the following awards:

  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Sean Cockey)
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 2438
Pick 1 2443
Pick 2 2504
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2443 2504 203 359 2438 2460 5 10
2467 3306 2438 1920 3008 2504 0 0
368 1548 3008 2896 2853 2438 2 1
2348 2438 2437 2444 1544 2441 6 1
2459 2438 1920 3306 2445 2460 3 5
2438 2444 368 2467 2439 2348 6 1
2439 1544 2438 2460 1548 2090 3 2
1548 1544 2896 203 2438 3306 1 2
2445 203 2896 2090 2438 1056 2 5
2439 2444 1056 2443 3008 2438 6 7
2445 2438 2455 2932 1056 368 4 7
2467 2465 359 2438 1544 2932 4 2
2504 2438 2443 2465 2445 2441 7 1
2504 2443 2438 2441 2465 2445 6 2
2467 368 359 2504 2443 2438 12 9
359 368 2467 2504 2443 2438 13 2

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