From Boise, Idaho, USA
aka HP Inc/Micron Technology, Inc./Rev Robotics/Bayer Fund/Trinity Trailers/Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation/Boise Schools Educational Foundation/Pedersen & Company PLLC/Landmark Industrial/Idaho Stem Action Committee/Solidworks&Treasure Vly Math Science Ctr
Rookie Year: 2007
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Event Results

Team 2122 was 41-15-0 in official play and 59-29-0 overall in 2023.

Utah Regional

in West Valley City, UT, USA
to Week 1

Team 2122 was Rank 4 with a record of 15-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Innovation in Control Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 4550
Pick 1 2122
Pick 2 5933
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3245 8174 8087 2122 2240 701 10 85
1828 4348 2122 6844 6400 6411 51 40
9138 6358 3288 2122 9044 6844 48 58
7895 5851 4550 9037 2122 4068 85 69
4598 4944 2122 4068 8087 9044 82 63
3374 2972 3405 2122 4175 6400 65 79
5851 2122 8174 2996 4593 7634 84 77
2122 192 7895 2996 2240 4348 99 86
1332 2972 2122 5851 4585 3200 81 52
3405 2996 2122 7436 3648 4944 63 67
8885 4593 1332 2993 2122 4550 58 128
8 4550 5933 4593 2122 4499 61 112
2122 4550 5933 6411 6844 1332 81 37
2122 4550 5933 192 5851 9037 93 101
2122 4550 5933 3648 2996 4593 92 46
2122 4550 5933 4068 3374 4175 97 80
192 5851 9037 5933 4550 2122 98 126
9138 4499 2240 5933 4550 2122 86 117
9138 4499 2240 5933 4550 2122 107 87
9138 4499 2240 5933 4550 2122 123 92

Arizona East Regional

in Scottsdale, AZ, USA
to Week 3

Team 2122 was Rank 6 with a record of 13-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 498
Pick 1 2122
Pick 2 4565
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3019 2122 4146 668 6922 2449 106 22
2478 6036 6413 2073 2122 9091 131 86
2486 7130 2122 2662 1165 991 145 49
6036 498 2662 2122 1011 4135 132 88
2449 4135 1212 4111 6036 2122 78 113
1165 668 2122 4565 2403 5059 105 61
7426 6968 3853 2122 2449 2662 75 82
2840 2122 7214 2443 1165 5059 72 59
1212 2122 6413 2486 2662 4111 100 70
3187 4146 60 2443 7755 2122 62 90
2122 2478 2659 9059 7214 1011 107 31
2122 3853 6922 6413 3187 4415 58 107
4565 2122 498 4146 991 2073 53 101
4565 2122 498 7645 1212 60 86 81
4135 7426 6968 498 2122 4565 71 116
2073 991 4146 498 2122 4565 86 114
2443 4415 9059 498 2122 4565 84 142
668 2659 6036 498 2122 4565 129 128
668 2659 6036 498 2122 4565 134 108

Idaho Regional

in Nampa, ID, USA
to Week 5

Team 2122 was Rank 2 with a record of 13-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 2122
Pick 1 114
Pick 2 1891
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2122 3288 5933 8839 7634 5480 114 38
2122 7895 6364 2594 8551 3256 76 38
8011 2122 8551 6036 8546 114 61 139
2130 5430 1891 1569 2122 3275 81 115
299 9044 3243 7419 115 2122 73 106
8546 2130 2122 3245 1566 8814 118 87
2122 3216 4175 8 3275 3006 101 93
7634 2122 3562 5461 3647 115 72 157
8551 8550 3859 5480 1700 2122 89 133
3562 5933 5871 6036 2122 5430 79 166
4175 6358 7895 4598 9314 2122 74 107
1891 114 2122 3256 8 1700 130 116
1891 114 2122 7419 3859 8546 142 95
4598 115 3216 2122 114 1891 115 175
1891 114 2122 6036 4175 3647 166 159
1891 114 2122 6036 4175 3647 138 164
1891 114 2122 6036 4175 3647 164 168

Bordie Charged

in Bellevue, WA, USA

Team 2122 was Rank 10 with a record of 9-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 4).

Captain 2122
Pick 1 1318
Pick 2 948
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9997 4089 6443 4180 7461 2122 150 66
2122 9993 9988 4682 8546 8248 71 78
8546 5937 2122 2046 4180 9993 96 139
4911 9996 9997 2522 2122 9036 85 48
1318 9036 9996 2122 2412 6443 106 164
2926 2122 2910 3218 2990 1778 132 127
9988 1318 949 4911 3218 2122 94 132
2557 1899 2122 4089 2928 949 118 71
2928 2122 4682 9990 7461 2926 97 96
2122 9992 2990 492 9993 949 127 64
948 2122 9997 2928 2046 2557 94 126
1899 948 9036 2122 9990 492 76 107
2928 9990 2412 2122 948 1318 175 132
1318 948 2122 5937 1778 6443 151 138
4682 9996 3218 2122 948 1318 135 151
4089 4911 2522 2122 948 1318 122 106

Beach Blitz presented by the Gene Haas Foundation

in Mission Viejo, CA, USA

Team 2122 was Rank 15 with a record of 9-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist
  • Quality Award

Captain 4738
Pick 1 2122
Pick 2 3128
Pick 3 6560
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4501 498 2122 4738 3309 294 126 145
4079 2710 597 6220 4276 2122 136 134
4079 2122 4419 3309 399 6072 123 46
3647 6220 2102 2122 7447 696 136 141
1160 3952 6995 3255 6560 2122 112 136
2122 4201 597 8888 3476 9271 156 118
359 968 3128 3309 2122 4141 158 127
2122 5199 9271 968 2658 9408 121 146
3647 2122 6995 3128 1836 7042 169 137
2658 2122 3952 3473 2839 4415 111 178
359 4276 7157 4738 3128 2122 188 203
2122 3128 4738 4415 498 696 189 172
2122 3128 4738 9408 4419 5199 193 143
2122 3128 4738 7157 4079 359 204 201
2122 3128 4738 7157 4079 359 197 201
2122 3128 4738 7157 4079 359 155 199

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