From Encinitas, California, USA
aka Nordson/Viasat/Qualcomm/Gene Haas Foundation /Solar Turbines/Pluribus Digital/SAIC/PCH Litho/General Atomics Sciences Education Foundation /Team Paradox Families and Friends&San Dieguito High Sch Academy
Rookie Year: 2007
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Event Results

Team 2102 was 20-9-1 in official play in 2008.

San Diego Regional

in San Diego, CA, USA
to Week 2

Team 2102 was Rank 3 with a record of 12-3-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1622 2102 610 1566 841 2493 60 44
2102 2154 1138 2193 1266 1572 16 8
1538 1717 2102 987 2154 1323 40 60
2042 812 1388 192 2029 2102 36 40
2102 981 2493 1538 2599 2658 62 46
2663 981 696 2066 1998 2102 28 50
597 568 599 2102 1671 1266 18 28
2141 2066 1159 330 2102 362 32 76
1197 1622 2034 2102 2193 1388 62 66
1197 2102 1323 2622 1527 2032 44 2
1572 1138 2102 192 2493 399 68 40
2102 1138 1572 399 192 2493 72 22
968 1717 294 1138 1572 2102 60 72
294 968 1717 1572 1138 2102 104 52
968 1717 294 1572 2102 1138 88 52

Los Angeles Regional

in Los Angeles, CA, USA
to Week 4

Team 2102 was Rank 19 with a record of 8-6-1

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1759 2404 1538 1692 1197 2102 2 40
1692 1836 687 2102 980 691 44 42
2419 2496 691 399 2102 2588 0 36
207 294 1047 1160 2496 2102 6 28
1515 2102 2659 2272 2588 702 56 18
2659 1717 2174 2429 2102 1726 62 14
1070 2102 1622 2429 848 1197 60 24
1702 2102 2174 2637 2584 995 8 14
2102 207 580 2174 2595 696 18 40
1197 1726 2102 238 599 1515 58 12
2102 1726 1197 1515 599 238 0 0
1197 2102 1726 599 1515 238 28 22
2659 294 702 1197 2102 1726 80 60
702 294 2659 2102 1197 1726 42 56
294 2659 702 1197 2102 1726 74 72

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