From Binyamina, HaZafon, Israel
aka Binyamina - Givat Ada Local Council/Ministry of Education/zivudim/ARAN/SCOPUSTECH/Dassault Systèmes&cramim atid binyamina
Rookie Year: 2005
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Event Results

Team 1690 was 68-6-0 during the 2021 offseason.

Orbit Infinite Restart #2

in Binyamina, Haifa District, Israel

Team 1690 had a record of 13-2-0

Captain 1690
Pick 1 5135
Pick 2 9999
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5135 1690 9999 1574 5987 9998 146 51
3075 1690 9999 5654 5715 9998 187 38
1690 5654 9999 1574 1577 9998 158 139
1690 2630 9999 3065 3075 9998 162 104
5654 5135 9999 1690 5715 9998 45 110
1690 1574 9999 2630 5135 9998 151 95
1690 5987 9999 1577 2630 9998 135 95
3065 1690 9999 5135 5715 9998 98 104
2630 1690 9999 5987 3075 9998 129 101
1577 1690 9999 1574 3065 9998 197 78
5135 1690 9999 5987 5715 9995 112 19
5135 1690 9999 5987 5715 9995 103 28
5135 1690 9999 3065 2630 9998 111 100
5135 1690 9999 3065 2630 9998 131 140
5135 1690 9999 3065 2630 9998 169 47

No matches played.

Strontium Group - Game Design Challenge

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Game Design Challenge

Team 1690 won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

No matches played.

No matches played.

Radioactive Rumble

in Dimona, South District, Israel

Team 1690 was Rank 1 with a record of 13-1-0

Captain 1690
Pick 1 3075
Pick 2 9999
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1690 7039 2096 1937 3075 5635 182 40
5990 7845 1937 7067 1690 5635 65 45
8223 1937 5987 2096 1690 3075 55 226
7039 5635 1690 7067 5990 5987 206 25
8223 1937 1690 5987 2096 5990 150 94
2096 8223 7039 7845 1690 7067 133 208
1690 5990 5987 3075 7845 7039 181 117
5635 2096 7845 3075 1690 8223 106 233
3075 7067 5635 1690 5987 2096 121 183
8223 7067 7845 1690 3075 1937 100 195
5990 3075 1690 7039 8223 1937
1690 3075 0 7067 7845 5987 187 149
1690 3075 0 7067 7845 5987 214 147
1690 3075 0 2096 7039 5635 270 159
1690 3075 0 2096 7039 5635 215 111

Jerusalem Off-Season

in Jerusalem, Israel

Team 1690 was Rank 1 with a record of 15-3-0

Captain 1690
Pick 1 3339
Pick 2 5715
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5554 1577 4586 1690 9999 3065 164 100
2096 4586 2679 5135 2630 1690 135 191
4590 7112 3065 6741 1690 4586 61 189
3211 1690 1577 1937 5654 6104 197 74
7067 5654 9999 1690 8223 7112 107 230
7039 7067 1690 9999 2630 6104 159 102
5654 1690 5715 8223 7067 5554 162 191
3835 3075 5715 1690 7845 3316 80 166
1690 5614 2630 2231 3316 3065 257 117
7112 6741 9999 1690 5614 3075 58 130
1690 1574 3339 1937 4586 7845 309 97
5990 1690 6104 2096 5654 3835 175 218
5715 1690 3339 7039 4590 5135 298 87
5715 1690 3339 7039 4590 5135 295 124
5715 1690 3339 5614 1574 2231 293 211
5715 1690 3339 5614 1574 2231 296 102
5715 1690 3339 5990 5554 7067 376 116
5715 1690 3339 5990 5554 7067 314 102

Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 1690 was Rank 1 with a record of 16-0-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Programming Award

Captain 1690
Pick 1 973
Pick 2 4499
Pick 3 846
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1671 5419 114 8033 2168 1690 103 225
1690 5940 254 846 5460 3859 230 216
3374 1351 1690 670 1868 114 216 115
6328 115 2910 1690 3538 3859 177 200
1868 1690 2102 254 4414 5104 232 207
8736 604 846 3476 6328 1690 102 203
1619 8033 5507 5026 8 1690 173 204
649 5940 1072 2135 1690 973 123 303
3647 1671 1690 971 6328 973 255 238
1690 5460 971 3374 5026 2168 252 171
4499 973 1690 3538 5940 8033 293 162
846 973 1690 3538 8033 5940 282 151
4499 973 1690 5419 1678 2168 271 209
4499 973 1690 5419 1678 2168 338 231
4499 973 1690 1868 4414 2910 303 284
4499 973 1690 1868 4414 2910 320 278

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