San Francisco Regional 2018

to Week 3
St. Ignatius College Preparatory in San Francisco, CA 94116, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4904 5026 5700 6962 972 973 219 269
199 2551 4186 766 6662 4973 351 175
971 5940 5499 5430 604 4159 238 247
6415 6814 1458 6981 6418 2854 243 265
4765 5993 5507 5924 5419 6665 354 201
7137 581 649 2383 253 4669 269 202
2489 6718 6036 7317 3880 5104 231 165
5507 100 972 1458 971 5993 219 434
2854 5924 649 4186 6665 6962 389 148
5430 6418 4765 2551 604 3880 181 346
6718 5026 199 6814 6036 5499 245 199
100 973 5700 5419 766 581 334 10
4669 4159 6981 4904 6662 7317 272 236
6415 2489 4973 5940 253 7137 255 90
604 2383 5026 5507 5104 766 378 144
4186 6814 971 6036 4669 6962 294 240
4973 7317 581 3880 4765 1458 32 348
6665 2854 2489 5499 2383 4904 197 414
5419 5940 2551 649 973 6718 188 415
6662 4159 7137 100 5924 5430 306 156
5104 6415 6418 199 5700 5993 323 235
253 972 5499 2551 766 6981 242 193
5419 6962 3880 1458 4186 4159 317 316
5940 5700 649 6814 6662 4765 410 145
6718 5430 6415 581 4904 5104 275 334
2489 7137 100 972 604 2854 306 265
4669 199 6418 5507 6665 5026 178 288
973 7317 971 5993 253 4973 404 164
2383 5924 766 6036 6981 3880 406 206
7137 4669 4765 5499 4186 6415 105 387
972 581 4159 973 2489 199 245 323
5026 6981 100 5700 6665 4973 214 263
971 6662 5419 2383 5104 1458 325 264
5940 2854 4904 5993 2551 5924 331 339
7317 5430 6036 6418 649 253 234 398
6814 6962 6718 604 5507 7137 106 383
199 5419 6981 3880 5026 5940 254 359
1458 6418 6665 4159 4765 973 266 365
6962 7317 100 6036 6415 2551 249 371
5993 2489 604 766 4669 4186 388 223
972 5104 5924 253 581 6814 242 327
4973 4904 5507 649 5499 6662 378 285
2854 2383 6718 5700 971 5430 187 275
5104 604 973 5924 6415 4669 482 252
4973 5499 5419 6665 6814 972 271 107
4159 4904 5993 5700 6036 7137 314 190
6981 5507 971 4765 2489 2551 344 379
199 766 5940 5430 1458 6962 339 217
6662 3880 253 5026 2854 7317 137 449
4186 6418 2383 6718 100 581 399 331
649 6962 604 6981 5993 973 401 307
2551 5430 6814 4159 5026 2489 223 305
4904 4765 253 100 199 2383 147 408
581 4186 5700 7317 5507 5940 170 375
766 3880 6665 6415 7137 971 116 390
5924 1458 6662 5499 6718 6418 51 383
6036 4973 2854 4669 5419 972 298 290
5104 6962 5026 649 4186 2489 467 177
5700 1458 253 604 5924 4904 190 374
6415 5993 972 6662 2383 5430 258 309
973 5940 6036 2854 199 5507 392 257
7137 5499 766 6418 5419 7317 304 340
4669 649 6814 100 971 3880 215 406
6718 4159 5104 4765 4973 6981 376 147
6665 2551 6662 581 6036 604 232 352
4186 7317 5924 971 972 199 147 439
5430 6981 4904 6418 4973 6814 231 347
1458 2551 4669 2489 5700 2383 202 486
4159 766 6415 5507 649 5419 167 311
5026 581 4765 6962 7137 2854 352 189
3880 973 5499 5993 100 5104 548 137
253 6665 6036 5940 6718 4186 330 197


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 973 971 972
Alliance 2 604 2383 100
Alliance 3 5026 649 5507
Alliance 4 5499 199 6036
Alliance 5 2489 5940 5700
Alliance 6 6418 2551 6415
Alliance 7 4159 2854 5104
Alliance 8 3880 5924 4904

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
971 973 972 5924 3880 4904 374 193
971 973 972 5924 3880 4904 518 222
199 5499 6036 5940 2489 5700 322 231
199 5499 6036 5940 2489 5700 320 254
2383 604 100 2854 4159 5104 248 157
2383 604 100 2854 4159 5104 402 186
649 5026 5507 2551 6418 6415 460 219
649 5026 5507 2551 6418 6415 220 415
649 5026 5507 2551 6418 6415 399 232
971 973 972 199 5499 6036 408 255
971 973 972 199 5499 6036 459 218
2383 604 100 649 5026 5507 381 172
2383 604 100 649 5026 5507 456 122
971 973 972 2383 604 100 420 220
971 973 972 2383 604 100 383 169

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Park/Climb Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 973 2.90 615 343 2534 300 9-1-0 0 10 29
2 604 2.30 435 195 2481 320 9-1-0 0 10 23
3 5026 2.20 385 294 2231 270 8-2-0 0 10 22
4 971 2.10 565 284 2289 265 8-2-0 0 10 21
5 5499 2.10 455 266 2046 365 6-4-0 0 10 21
6 649 2.10 425 267 2220 220 7-3-0 0 10 21
7 2489 1.90 480 177 1787 275 8-2-0 0 10 19
8 6418 1.80 485 224 1965 265 7-3-0 0 10 18
9 4159 1.80 315 203 1853 250 7-3-0 0 10 18
10 3880 1.70 450 209 1818 265 6-4-0 0 10 17
11 2383 1.70 425 218 2283 285 7-3-0 0 10 17
12 199 1.60 485 236 1924 315 6-4-0 0 10 16
13 5507 1.60 445 211 1973 325 6-4-0 0 10 16
14 5104 1.60 405 211 1904 290 5-5-0 0 10 16
15 5419 1.60 400 207 1497 265 5-5-0 0 10 16
16 6718 1.50 395 225 1781 220 5-5-0 0 10 15
17 6036 1.50 395 220 1753 345 6-4-0 0 10 15
18 5940 1.40 405 221 1939 290 5-5-0 0 10 14
19 4904 1.40 355 205 1988 220 5-5-0 0 10 14
20 5700 1.30 525 188 1672 220 5-5-0 0 10 13
21 4973 1.30 300 175 1310 180 5-4-0 1 10 13
22 2551 1.20 400 198 1819 260 5-5-0 0 10 12
23 6415 1.20 370 174 1911 240 5-5-0 0 10 12
24 5993 1.10 450 172 1442 180 4-4-0 2 10 11
25 4765 1.10 430 153 1443 220 5-5-0 0 10 11
26 6962 1.10 395 163 1513 285 4-6-0 0 10 11
27 5924 1.10 300 178 1432 290 4-6-0 0 10 11
28 100 1.00 485 206 1625 250 4-6-0 0 10 10
29 581 1.00 355 159 1582 220 5-5-0 0 10 10
30 972 1.00 350 200 1541 325 3-7-0 0 10 10
31 7137 1.00 345 137 1482 185 5-4-0 1 10 10
32 6662 1.00 340 215 1316 175 3-7-0 0 10 10
33 7317 1.00 315 200 1651 250 4-6-0 0 10 10
34 2854 1.00 305 201 1737 250 4-6-0 0 10 10
35 6814 0.90 355 188 1311 175 3-7-0 0 10 9
36 253 0.90 335 142 1237 225 4-6-0 0 10 9
37 4186 0.80 405 166 1530 270 3-7-0 0 10 8
38 6981 0.80 370 218 1403 210 2-8-0 0 10 8
39 6665 0.70 340 158 1168 285 3-7-0 0 10 7
40 5430 0.60 295 146 1378 230 3-7-0 0 10 6
41 766 0.50 255 145 1297 240 2-8-0 0 10 5
42 1458 0.40 405 148 1391 235 2-8-0 0 10 4
43 4669 0.40 325 166 1244 225 1-9-0 0 10 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Woodside, California, USA
Belmont, California, USA
Millbrae, California, USA
San Jose, California, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Saratoga, California, USA
Atherton, California, USA
Mountain View, California, USA
Los Gatos, California, USA
Atascadero, California, USA
Danville, California, USA
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Novato, California, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Kailua Kona, Hawaii, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Alameda, California, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Los Altos Hills, California, USA
San Mateo, California, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Burlingame, California, USA
Pacific Grove, California, USA
Berkeley, California, USA
Pittsburg, California, USA
Berkeley, California, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Redwood City, California, USA
Bakirköy, Istanbul, Türkiye
Palo Alto, California, USA
Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye
San Francisco, California, USA
Pleasant Hill, California, USA
Monterey, California, USA
Oakland, California, USA
Santa Rosa, California, USA
Mountain View, California, USA
Concord, California, USA
Concord, California, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 3880
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2854
Rookie All Star Award 7137
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Michael Baker (1458)
Volunteer of the Year Brian Murphy (5924)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Max Kober (5026)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Bahar Maghbouleh (971)
Regional Winners 973
Regional Winners 971
Regional Winners 972
Regional Finalists 604
Regional Finalists 2383
Regional Finalists 100
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 5026
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 604
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 5700
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 2383
Highest Rookie Seed 6962
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5993
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 5499
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 649
Judges' Award 253
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 973
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6814
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 604
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 199
Wildcard 604
Wildcard 100

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
971 189.34
973 186.68
2383 177.65
649 151.77
6418 151.37
604 147.32
5026 141.18
2551 133.83
5499 133.30
4159 129.94
5507 126.59
6415 118.85
4904 118.23
3880 109.83
6036 109.51
199 105.66
2489 94.10
6962 89.83
5993 89.54
5924 86.43
5940 86.18
2854 84.05
5104 81.73
100 81.01
5700 77.80
581 74.36
4765 72.82
1458 71.87
4973 70.85
5419 68.76
7317 64.49
7137 61.79
972 60.95
6718 60.87
4186 59.36
6814 45.90
6665 45.57
253 44.45
4669 37.24
6981 36.20
6662 35.96
5430 34.88
766 29.69


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 356 432 82.41%
Auto Switch Owned 65 144 45.14%
Auto Quest * 45 144 31.25%
Force Played 64 144 44.44%
Levitate Played 108 144 75.00%
Boost Played 88 144 61.11%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 53 432 12.27%
Face the Boss * 4 144 2.78%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
4 144 2.78%

Match Statistics

High Score 548 in Q71
Average Match Score 277.40
Average Winning Score 352.07
Average Win Margin 149.33
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 12.36 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 0.71 55.17 55.88
Average Switch Ownership Points 7.08 102.76 109.85
Scale Neutral % 95.28% 18.27% 25.97%
Winner Scale Ownership % 3.70% 67.62% 61.23%
Winner Switch Ownership % 33.61% 88.20% 82.74%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 24.29% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.02 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.05 --
Average Vault Points -- 25.76 --
Average Endgame Points -- 40.10 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 26.74
Average Score 20.15 230.51 277.40


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 81 90 90.00%
Auto Switch Owned 19 30 63.33%
Auto Quest * 14 30 46.67%
Force Played 18 30 60.00%
Levitate Played 24 30 80.00%
Boost Played 23 30 76.67%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 15 90 16.67%
Face the Boss * 1 30 3.33%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
0 30 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 518 in QF1-2
Average Match Score 301.17
Average Winning Score 397.67
Average Win Margin 193.00
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 13.50 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 4.20 63.50 67.70
Average Switch Ownership Points 10.73 105.77 116.50
Scale Neutral % 72.00% 5.93% 12.53%
Winner Scale Ownership % 27.56% 78.32% 73.24%
Winner Switch Ownership % 43.11% 93.53% 88.49%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 7.75% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.94 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.04 --
Average Vault Points -- 28.83 --
Average Endgame Points -- 43.67 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 22.50
Average Score 28.43 250.23 301.17
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