From PORT MACQUARIE, New South Wales, Australia
aka Consep Engineering Innovation/Pycon Homes & Construction/Fuji Xerox Business Centre Mid North Coast/Warren Smith & Partners/Akubra Hats&St Columba Anglican School
Rookie Year: 2019
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Event Results

Team 7433 was 11-6-0 in official play in 2023.

Southern Cross Regional

in Wollongong, NSW, Australia
to Week 2

Team 7433 was Rank 4 with a record of 11-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Innovation in Control Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 7433
Pick 1 6508
Pick 2 9146
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6508 9191 4729 7128 4774 7433 63 62
9145 6575 9189 6063 7433 4729 50 72
5985 6508 7433 6083 5648 4537 95 29
7561 6083 6510 7433 4788 5876 71 112
7163 7433 5648 4537 9144 7561 64 98
6432 5876 5988 7433 4739 7561 43 88
7433 5988 4537 4817 5985 6063 90 41
5331 7433 6434 4739 7583 5564 90 40
8844 5648 4817 6510 4613 7433 35 147
6996 7433 5584 4739 4817 5331 135 90
9147 6575 7433 9146 6510 7128 79 90
9146 7433 6508 4788 9144 7128 111 0
4537 3132 5584 7433 6508 9146 119 130
4613 5988 6510 7433 6508 9146 124 100
9146 6508 7433 6996 7583 4774 82 70
4613 5988 6510 7433 6508 9146 151 108
4613 5988 6510 7433 6508 9146 136 130

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