From Perth, Western Australia, Australia
aka Curtin University / Government of Western Australia, Department of Education, School Pathways Program & Curtin University
Rookie Year: 2013
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Robot Name: Whiplash

Event Results

Team 4788 was 10-14-0 in official play and 22-20-0 overall in 2023.

Southern Cross Regional

in Wollongong, NSW, Australia
to Week 2

Team 4788 was Rank 24 with a record of 6-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional FIRST Impact Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 3).

Captain 9144
Pick 1 7128
Pick 2 4788
Backup 9147
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Curie Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 4788 was Rank 53 with a record of 4-6-0

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West Australian Robotics Playoffs 2023

in Bentley, WA, Australia

Team 4788 was Rank 3 with a record of 12-6-0

Captain 9987
Pick 1 4788
Pick 2 9988
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4788 9989 9991 9985 9190 9992 73 28
9988 6524 9986 9992 9991 4788 24 44
9987 9190 4788 7113 6524 9986 64 33
6524 4788 9987 9275 9985 9990 57 50
9308 4788 9988 9190 9989 9987 44 4
9992 9986 4788 9191 6509 9988 34 14
4788 9988 9275 7113 9308 9985 18 43
6524 4788 9308 9986 9989 9985 51 42
9190 6509 9986 4788 9990 9275 51 41
7113 9990 9992 9308 4788 9989 53 30
9991 9190 9191 4788 9986 6524 44 66
9308 9990 9191 6524 4788 9989 56 54
7113 9190 9990 9991 9988 4788 66 64
9987 4788 9988 9191 9985 6524 71 59
9988 4788 9987 9308 9991 6509 59 58
9988 4788 9987 9308 9991 6509 94 33
9988 4788 9987 9308 9991 6509 50 68
9988 4788 9987 9308 9991 6509 68 61

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Robot Name: Whiplash

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