From Almont, Michigan, USA
aka Ford Motor Company/Metro Bolt and Fastener/State of Michigan/Lapeer County Community Foundation/Four County Community Foundation/Lapeer Optimist Club/Pollington Machine Tool Inc./D & N Gage/NASA/EZ Operations & Consulting/KukaCares/Orchard Arbor/Schwab Industries/Glen Arbor/Ovation Engineering/Roots /Harvey Family Chiropractic/Abraham Gershonowics DDS & James Neme DDS, PC/Quest Industries/C & C Heating and Air Conditioning/Sommerfiedt & Co/ITC/Alecks Transportation/Swiss American Screw Products Inc./RCO Engineering&Almont High School
Rookie Year: 2014
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Event Results

Team 4961 was 30-29-0 in official play and 33-33-0 overall in 2017.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 4961 ranked 73 having earned 158 points.

FIM District - Waterford Event

in Waterford, MI 48328, USA
to Week 3

Team 4961 was Rank 5 with a record of 10-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 3539
Pick 1 4961
Pick 2 5641

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 34
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5065 4961 548 4854 5225 3302 147 85
2137 4961 6117 5662 5155 2620 337 142
4838 4961 67 4779 5065 5524 205 140
2137 6344 5843 5860 4961 5225 259 130
4854 5155 4961 5562 1 5641 280 130
548 4390 4854 4961 5090 4779 210 240
1718 2673 4851 5524 5282 4961 185 280
4130 5498 3539 4961 1 5532 215 205
4961 4130 27 4851 5860 5843 163 235
5090 6091 6344 308 1718 4961 97 350
5562 27 6610 1701 5498 4961 182 325
6085 5467 4961 1701 2620 5532 255 146
5641 3539 4961 1701 5155 4851 275 259
5641 3539 4961 1701 5155 4851 255 259
5641 3539 4961 1701 5155 4851 255 256

FIM District - Troy Event

in Troy, MI 48085, USA
to Week 5

Team 4961 was Rank 16 with a record of 9-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors
  • Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 2960
Pick 1 4961
Pick 2 6099

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 14
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 10
Total Points 46
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3098 5217 5460 4961 217 818 136 255
6338 6096 5460 5197 4961 2851 110 185
6616 4994 4815 4961 6338 2960 200 285
6616 4961 6120 469 2851 3619 140 310
4961 280 226 2337 3302 5197 256 285
6532 3539 5555 4961 469 5460 190 242
4961 3096 3632 6532 2960 6120 185 252
4961 5436 5642 1718 5197 217 259 285
6152 4768 4507 5662 4961 4994 50 240
217 280 5662 5555 4961 5048 236 355
3619 910 4961 6532 5460 5642 231 168
4961 6152 2337 6742 3302 4811 172 195
4815 3302 4810 4961 2960 6099 235 316
4815 3302 4810 4961 2960 6099 285 204
4815 3302 4810 4961 2960 6099 256 262
5048 3098 2337 4961 2960 6099 367 257
5048 3098 2337 4961 2960 6099 298 255

Michigan State Championship - Ford Division

in University Center, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 4961 was Rank 36 with a record of 5-12-0 and won the following awards:

  • Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 3546
Pick 1 3620
Pick 2 4961

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 21
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 15
Total Points 78
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
141 1189 5460 5144 3357 4961 200 273
74 5460 4961 1481 2612 3539 315 260
4961 226 5530 5460 5603 2612 255 295
5460 5204 27 4961 5114 503 324 235
3539 4961 2771 3546 3767 5623 286 295
4961 314 3641 3604 3539 2767 367 348
314 27 66 4961 4377 6097 345 318
3620 4961 6020 3539 5907 3656 349 352
4961 4970 2767 1243 2137 5603 307 353
1189 4961 3452 226 6075 2767 358 382
74 3357 5603 4961 6344 27 366 307
503 6344 3452 2075 4961 3572 356 297
4961 3546 3620 141 6344 1189 415 330
4961 3546 3620 141 6344 1189 445 452
4961 3546 3620 141 6344 1189 468 313
4970 2137 503 3620 3546 4961 448 445
4970 2137 503 3620 3546 4961 457 345

Carson Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 4961 was Rank 18 with a record of 6-4-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 3rd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 135
Pick 1 4003
Pick 2 6329
Pick 3 4961
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5618 2399 2194 4961 1080 503 256 345
1684 6569 4961 5024 3494 6324 295 305
2601 4176 6420 4961 1796 1710 225 345
4961 135 5813 1288 876 2491 349 185
1816 4961 6329 3381 1073 3538 430 205
4905 5150 6391 126 4961 263 285 345
126 5687 195 6066 1731 4961 413 345
68 4539 2832 4961 2377 4003 257 340
20 25 1816 4405 5687 4961 348 345
3172 4961 1073 5114 1153 5401 260 310

Kettering Kickoff

in Flint, MI, USA

Team 4961 was Rank 14 with a record of 3-4-0

Captain 2960
Pick 1 4961
Pick 2 217
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5612 548 107 27 3534 4961 145 321
51 5114 5167 245 4961 5502 255 155
2054 4961 5436 1506 2137 1684 260 185
2337 703 4961 2054 302 910 317 272
4961 226 6493 33 494 862 215 260
217 2960 4961 314 5114 548 400 470
217 2960 4961 314 5114 548 255 357

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