From San Francisco, California, USA
aka Lowell Alumni Association/Lowell PTSA/Youth Empowerment Fund (YEF)/San Francisco Machine Works/Solidworks/Pacific Gas & Electric/Intuitive Surgical/NorCal FRC/TeamWorx/Pronto AI/A2 Hosting&Lowell High School
Rookie Year: 2012
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Event Results

Team 4159 was 8-7-0 during the 2021 offseason.

No matches played.

Game Design Challenge Event

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Game Design Challenge

Team 4159 won the following awards:

  • Game Design Challenge Finalist

No matches played.

Magnesium Group - Game Design Challenge

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Game Design Challenge

Team 4159 won the following awards:

  • Concept Award

No matches played.

Greater San Francisco Bay Region Awards Event

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Awards

Team 4159 won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Nikhita Law)

No matches played.


in San Jose, CA 95129, USA

Team 4159 was Rank 15 with a record of 8-7-0

Captain 841
Pick 1 5419
Pick 2 4159
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4159 1868 2489 841 649 5940 36 62
253 5419 3045 4159 841 6059 50 65
5026 846 1967 2135 114 4159 61 97
6238 2643 4159 2135 841 6036 33 143
1868 6059 8404 253 4159 852 89 78
5419 4159 5940 8404 668 114 81 25
5430 6238 2489 4159 846 199 20 68
2813 840 841 4159 8404 5430 72 66
840 4159 115 2643 5940 8404 59 57
668 8048 4159 2489 852 5026 87 96
649 4159 1351 1700 5940 115 65 53
1967 3045 6036 5419 841 4159 28 93
1967 2643 6036 5419 841 4159 40 81
1868 2135 6059 5419 841 4159 72 61
1868 2135 6059 5419 841 4159 125 66

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