From Springdale, Arkansas, USA
aka United Robotics/Rockline Industries&Springdale School District
Rookie Year: 2011
Last competed in 2019
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Event Results

Team 3612 was 6-7-2 in official play and 16-12-2 overall in 2012.

Dallas East Regional sponsored by jcpenney

in Dallas, TX, USA
to Week 5

Team 3612 was Rank 34 with a record of 6-7-2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3612 1817 4315 2965 4138 2948 7 14
4335 3350 3481 3612 2897 4300 9 9
3612 3497 1745 4084 3369 3516 0 0
4354 3612 3795 3697 4355 3676 0 29
3392 4364 4315 3481 4090 3612 2 17
3409 4084 3612 4259 4354 1817 0 6
3508 4355 4300 3369 2965 3612 5 0
3961 647 3612 2897 2995 3481 2 6
2950 3005 1745 4259 3612 4350 1 16
4355 3370 3612 3867 3497 4351 26 4
3522 4084 647 3612 2950 3392 0 21
3481 3037 3612 4350 4300 3005 15 10
3037 3612 3481 3005 4300 4350 27 4
2950 2948 3676 3481 3037 3612 36 12
3676 2950 2948 3481 3612 3037 29 0

Cow Town ThrowDown

in Lee's Summit, MO, USA

Team 3612 had a record of 10-5-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3397 2560 3528 1984 16 3612 24 64
16 931 938 3612 1939 1710 41 23
2353 3862 1982 3612 1810 1987 8 13
1775 1769 1094 3612 938 1985 30 34
3612 1802 2353 2874 1108 2001 29 9
1785 937 3612 1986 2410 3784 15 67
1769 2345 3612 4329 1444 1939 37 14
1730 1806 1994 3528 3612 1997 11 40
1764 3612 1775 935 1737 1847 33 35
16 1982 3612 3784 3862 1737 53 28
1982 3612 16 3862 1737 3784 71 21
16 1982 3612 1997 931 1108 69 9
1982 3612 16 931 1108 1997 66 40
16 1982 3612 1986 1094 3172 54 67
1982 3612 16 1094 3172 1986 36 68

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