Dallas East Regional sponsored by jcpenney 2012

to Week 5
Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, TX, USA
http://www.DallasFRC.org/ - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4354 4335 4359 647 1745 4351 0 15
4355 3037 2950 3370 3516 4350 0 1
3612 1817 4315 2965 4138 2948 7 14
4364 3508 3369 2897 3392 3350 0 12
3961 3867 3697 4084 148 3005 0 18
16 3522 3795 3409 3481 3497 30 4
4259 3676 2995 4090 4300 3516 15 3
4359 3037 4351 4084 2948 3961 0 10
3369 4315 4138 3409 4350 3697 0 0
3508 3676 3795 148 16 2950 0 53
3005 4259 3497 647 4355 4364 0 0
2965 4090 4354 3867 3370 1817 2 10
4335 3350 3481 3612 2897 4300 9 9
3392 1745 2948 3522 2995 3409 8 0
2965 3697 1817 148 4259 4351 0 15
3370 4300 4359 3481 3795 4315 18 0
3612 3497 1745 4084 3369 3516 0 0
4355 3961 3522 3676 4364 4138 0 2
2995 3350 647 4354 4350 3867 2 0
4090 3392 3508 3037 4335 16 4 27
2897 2950 3409 3005 4359 2965 9 0
3961 1745 1817 4300 3867 4315 0 1
148 3497 3516 4335 4364 3522 20 0
3369 4090 3037 3005 2948 647 0 9
4354 3612 3795 3697 4355 3676 0 29
3370 4138 2995 2950 4084 3350 34 0
3508 4259 2897 4350 4351 16 6 21
3392 4364 4315 3481 4090 3612 2 17
3369 3867 2995 3522 4359 3697 0 0
4350 3005 4300 3676 4084 16 0 30
3795 2897 3037 1817 3350 148 0 34
4259 2965 4355 3508 1745 3370 0 0
2948 4351 3516 647 3481 4138 0 15
3961 4335 3392 3497 4354 2950 3 11
3409 2965 4364 3676 3522 3037 16 7
2897 2948 3370 647 3508 3697 7 0
3481 2950 4300 3867 4355 4090 17 4
3409 4084 3612 4259 4354 1817 0 6
3369 3392 4351 3516 3795 2995 0 0
3350 16 3005 148 1745 4315 56 17
4138 4335 4350 3497 4359 3961 3 2
3508 4355 4300 3369 2965 3612 5 0
1817 2897 4351 2950 4315 3522 35 1
4335 2995 148 3005 4138 3409 22 9
3676 4090 4350 3497 3392 3697 22 1
3867 4084 4359 3516 4364 16 0 17
4354 1745 3350 3481 3037 2948 12 25
4259 647 3370 3961 3795 4138 10 0
16 3697 3369 4355 4335 1817 18 27
2965 3497 3522 3005 4351 4090 3 15
148 2948 4300 3370 3392 4354 54 5
3961 647 3612 2897 2995 3481 2 6
4359 4315 3676 4259 3350 3037 34 0
3409 3867 3516 4084 3508 4350 0 14
2950 3795 3697 1745 4364 3481 2 8
148 3522 4090 4355 4359 3350 17 11
3676 3516 4354 4315 2965 2897 1 0
4138 3037 3867 4300 3369 4335 2 0
1817 3497 3795 2995 3508 2948 10 8
3409 16 3392 3961 4364 3370 34 4
2950 3005 1745 4259 3612 4350 1 16
4351 4084 4315 647 4335 3676 6 16
3350 2965 3516 2995 3961 16 2 28
4350 4364 2950 3369 2948 4354 6 14
148 3037 647 4300 4259 3522 30 5
4355 3370 3612 3867 3497 4351 26 4
4138 4084 2897 1745 4090 3795 10 2
3392 3481 4359 3508 1817 3005 16 1
3697 4364 4351 3409 4300 3350 6 6
4315 2995 3497 4355 2897 148 1 30
3522 4084 647 3612 2950 3392 0 21
3795 2948 4259 2965 4335 3867 7 4
3370 3481 3676 1745 3369 4359 43 12
3516 3005 3961 1817 3409 4090 0 10
4138 16 3508 3037 4354 3697 34 3
4350 148 3481 2965 3370 4084 34 4

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
148 16 4090 4335 3350 647 65 4
148 16 4090 4335 3409 647 70 6
2995 4084 4138 4259 2897 4355 51 1
2995 4138 4084 2897 4355 4259 0 0
4084 2995 4138 2897 4355 4259 5 0
3676 2948 2950 1817 3516 3370 33 11
2948 3676 2950 3370 1817 3516 35 22
3481 3037 3612 4350 4300 3005 15 10
3037 3612 3481 3005 4300 4350 27 4
4090 16 148 4138 4084 2995 68 10
148 4090 16 4084 4138 2995 75 0
2950 2948 3676 3481 3037 3612 36 12
3676 2950 2948 3481 3612 3037 29 0
16 4090 148 3676 2948 2950 43 31
148 16 4090 2950 3676 2948 65 13

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 16 32 136 40 172 10-1-0 0 11 2.91
2 148 30 81 40 208 10-1-0 0 11 2.73
3 3676 24 52 90 57 9-2-0 0 11 2.18
4 3481 21 32 50 112 9-1-1 0 11 1.91
5 4138 21 26 50 47 8-2-1 0 11 1.91
6 2948 18 64 0 92 9-2-0 0 11 1.64
7 2995 18 38 30 48 6-3-2 0 11 1.64
8 2897 17 27 40 57 7-3-1 0 11 1.55
9 4350 17 27 30 60 7-3-1 0 11 1.55
10 3005 16 34 10 65 4-6-1 0 11 1.45
11 3516 16 6 0 38 4-5-2 0 11 1.45
12 3350 15 61 20 63 4-5-2 0 11 1.36
13 3370 15 34 80 30 7-3-1 0 11 1.36
14 4335 15 34 20 57 5-5-1 0 11 1.36
15 647 15 28 20 51 7-3-1 0 11 1.36
16 4300 14 31 10 77 5-4-2 0 11 1.27
17 1817 14 17 60 63 7-4-0 0 11 1.27
18 4259 14 17 30 33 6-2-2 1 11 1.27
19 4084 13 33 20 39 5-6-0 0 11 1.18
20 4355 13 30 70 32 5-4-2 0 11 1.18
21 3409 13 16 0 72 4-5-1 1 11 1.18
22 4354 12 28 0 26 4-7-0 0 11 1.09
23 4351 12 25 20 72 5-4-2 0 11 1.09
24 2950 12 11 30 80 5-6-0 0 11 1.09
25 4364 12 6 0 55 4-5-2 0 11 1.09
26 3497 12 4 0 52 3-6-2 0 11 1.09
27 3392 11 28 30 48 5-5-1 0 11 1.00
28 3508 11 23 10 39 3-7-1 0 11 1.00
29 3795 11 12 0 39 3-6-1 1 11 1.00
30 4090 11 9 10 77 5-6-0 0 11 1.00
31 3037 10 41 0 53 4-7-0 0 11 0.91
32 1745 10 24 10 41 3-6-2 0 11 0.91
33 3522 10 22 0 40 2-7-1 1 11 0.91
34 3612 10 10 50 38 4-5-2 0 11 0.91
35 4315 9 17 20 32 2-8-1 0 11 0.82
36 2965 9 10 0 35 2-8-1 0 11 0.82
37 4359 8 19 50 24 3-7-1 0 11 0.73
38 3697 8 12 20 27 1-7-3 0 11 0.73
39 3961 7 18 0 31 2-8-0 1 11 0.64
40 3369 6 18 10 16 1-6-4 0 11 0.55
41 3867 4 4 0 10 1-6-1 3 11 0.36

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA
Greenville, Texas, USA
Killeen, Texas, USA
Richardson, Texas, USA
Lubbock, Texas, USA
Waco, Texas, USA
Fort Worth, TX, USA
Waco, Texas, USA
Lubbock, TX, USA
Dallas, TX, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Longview, Texas, USA
Texarkana, Texas, USA
Pflugerville, TX, USA
Irving, Texas, USA
Grand Prairie, TX, USA
Cedar Hill, TX, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Midland, TX, USA
Pittsburg, TX, USA
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Toluca, Mexico, Mexico
San Juan, TX, USA
Springdale, Arkansas, USA
Arlington, Texas, USA
Mt. Pleasant, TX, USA
Garland, TX, USA
Dallas, TX, USA
Memphis , Tennessee, USA
Farmersville, TX, USA
Fort Smith, Arkansas, USA
Wichita Falls, TX, USA
Nacogdoches, TX, USA
McKinney, Texas, USA
Dallas, TX, USA
Waco, Texas, USA
San Antonio, TX, USA
McKinney, TX, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Gomez Palacio, Durango, Mexico
McKinney, TX, USA
Stephenville, Texas, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 1817
Engineering Inspiration Award 3481
Rookie All Star Award 4300
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Travis Ray (1817)
Volunteer of the Year Mike Kircher
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Krista Petty (3350)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Kenyan Burnham (1817)
Regional Winners 4090
Regional Winners 16
Regional Winners 148
Regional Finalists 2948
Regional Finalists 2950
Regional Finalists 3676
Coopertition Award 3522
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 4084
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 1817
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 647
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 647
Highest Rookie Seed 4138
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 4355
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 4351
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1817
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 16
Judges' Award 3350
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 148
Rookie Inspiration Award 4335
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 3522
Website Award 3481

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
16 27.43
148 21.97
3676 13.28
2948 9.87
3481 8.48
3370 8.31
1817 8.13
4355 5.41
4138 5.05
3350 5.04
3612 4.92
4359 4.46
4300 4.15
4351 3.92
2950 3.73
2897 3.40
4090 3.01
3392 2.52
2995 2.26
4350 1.78
647 1.67
3005 1.62
3409 1.44
4335 0.71
3497 0.63
4354 0.02
3697 -0.26
2965 -0.39
1745 -0.41
4259 -0.81
4315 -0.83
4364 -0.89
3369 -1.04
4084 -1.04
3867 -1.14
3037 -1.48
3522 -1.56
3508 -1.74
3961 -1.97
3795 -2.31
3516 -4.72
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