From North Hollywood, California, USA
aka Comcast NBCUniversal/Walt Disney Imagineering/Friends of the HGM/Gene Hass Foundation/KPFF/LaserBend/Industrial Metal Supply/BAE Systems&North Hollywood High School
Rookie Year: 2010
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Event Results

Overall, Team 3328 had an average qual score of 41.81 and an average playoff score of 67.00 in 2015.

Inland Empire Regional

in Rancho Mirage, CA, USA
to Week 1

Team 3328 was Rank 37 with an average qual score of 27.08 and an average playoff score of 72.40

Captain 294
Pick 1 1197
Pick 2 3328
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3250 1644 3328 2493 1197 597 85 46
4913 3328 3965 3470 3295 1644 18 35
5025 1197 399 1148 4574 3328 30 2
3021 399 3328 3250 973 3473 26 6
5107 3328 5025 4114 2485 5136 13 20
2375 3328 3473 4114 4913 4140 25 32
3328 4056 4413 1572 359 3250 12 64
4574 5012 294 3328 3476 597 8 62
3128 5136 3476 5012 4114 3328 23 0
2496 2493 3328 4984 3562 399 22 12
2375 4161 4413 3408 3328 3470 24 36
3408 2493 1836 3328 3295 100 39 24
2485 973 1836 1197 294 3328 55 49
3128 2496 2493 1197 294 3328 93 94
3476 3250 5136 1197 294 3328 107 65
359 1572 3562 1197 294 3328 88 81
3128 2496 2493 1197 294 3328 96 73

Los Angeles Regional sponsored by The Roddenberry Foundation

in Long Beach, CA, USA
to Week 3

Team 3328 was Rank 6 with an average qual score of 61.44 and an average playoff score of 53.50

Captain 3328
Pick 1 3309
Pick 2 4276
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