From Grandville, Michigan, USA
aka Westwood AI/Bradford White&Grandville High School
Rookie Year: 1999
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Event Results

Team 288 was 12-17-1 in official play in 2003.

Pittsburgh Regional

in Pittsburgh, PA, USA
to Week 2

Team 288 had a record of 3-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • GM Industrial Design Award

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
288 903 128 1185 3 20
1199 379 288 448 65 21
322 35 1199 288 140 11
903 135 1202 288 8 10
48 1185 1218 288 57 70
1199 288 276 135 39 48
274 448 35 288 86 70
964 276 1 288 36 9
288 63 1200 1218 41 34
276 217 288 284 43 33
5 1218 1202 288 80 1
274 5 519 288 100 6

Midwest Regional

in Evanston, IL, USA
to Week 4

Team 288 had a record of 3-5-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
288 1091 1106 111 64 41
111 81 288 247 46 6
288 108 1035 167 37 41
81 829 65 288 24 125
1018 382 288 1064 35 5
68 288 554 1010 61 32
288 65 933 93 40 71
288 1010 65 167 40 78

West Michigan Regional

in Grand Rapids, MI, USA
to Week 5

Team 288 had a record of 6-3-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" Award

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
471 288 818 182 64 30
288 245 903 573 98 12
288 910 70 397 82 35
9 288 85 67 113 34
288 85 66 397 64 8
184 67 1188 288 80 80
47 235 288 818 59 31
658 904 47 288 61 41
288 70 904 184 33 63
902 288 818 910 33 12

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