From Watertown, Connecticut, USA
aka Siemon Company/Raytheon Technologies Corporation/Lockheed Martin - Sikorsky/Watertown Foundation/Watertown Rotary Club/Precision Dip Coating/Mike Sorrenti&Watertown High School
Rookie Year: 1999
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Event Results

Team 237 was 9-10-0 in official play in 2003.

New York City Regional

in New York, NY, USA
to Week 3

Team 237 had a record of 4-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" Award

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
19 711 237 333 41 13
237 334 743 333 69 10
1224 237 335 334 44 6
237 1237 759 333 82 32
237 1237 335 711 5 57
549 237 19 1224 52 64
522 713 421 237 104 2
1230 237 19 806 45 36
237 549 481 713 13 76
237 1211 421 711 13 33
237 1211 380 354 14 44
237 348 1237 713 13 67

Archimedes Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 237 had a record of 5-2-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
65 1108 237 11 35 36
647 815 237 854 18 60
267 1088 237 469 73 98
469 34 22 237 66 14
65 1001 237 606 28 35
111 1108 237 469 70 55
34 953 237 65 35 41

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