From Fremont, Michigan, USA
aka NC PEERS, Inc./The Gerber Foundation/The Boeing Company/Camshaft Machine Company/Ice Industries/Autodesk&Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2006
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Event Results

Team 1918 was 57-26-0 in official play and 84-30-0 overall in 2014.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 1918 ranked 17 having earned 179 points.

Gull Lake FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Richland, MI, USA
to Week 2

Team 1918 was Rank 4 with a record of 11-6-0

Captain 74
Pick 1 1918
Pick 2 4482

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 44
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4381 1677 3452 1918 3658 4408 19 85
5194 5256 4967 4956 4568 1918 57 163
5248 3234 4967 4216 5205 1918 56 33
4325 4453 4004 1896 1918 2611 36 28
1918 5161 4377 1025 4568 830 64 97
1918 2054 74 3656 5161 4956 192 25
4483 5152 5205 5194 830 1918 82 125
1918 5204 5248 2767 858 4956 96 75
2767 1918 1528 4482 4327 5152 166 63
1677 3656 1918 4216 5227 4368 135 53
1918 5227 1025 5204 1528 4395 215 51
2771 4368 5161 4395 1918 4381 65 141
74 4482 1918 4216 2611 2771 130 92
1918 74 4482 2771 4216 2611 136 157
1918 74 4482 2771 4216 2611 100 92
74 1918 4482 3234 4003 4327 86 105
4482 74 1918 4003 3234 4327 96 106

West Michigan FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Allendale, MI, USA
to Week 4

Team 1918 was Rank 6 with a record of 12-5-0

Captain 4967
Pick 1 1918
Pick 2 141

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 14
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 42
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3875 4483 85 904 4237 1918 38 110
4482 494 3234 1918 4337 5161 97 65
70 4337 141 3234 3572 1918 95 136
4482 1918 3357 3458 2405 2771 160 100
1677 141 1918 5069 2767 4237 70 115
4483 1918 2075 4453 4327 858 73 37
141 5162 247 4368 1918 858 85 210
1506 1918 5255 4956 1677 5161 131 187
4956 2771 1918 3546 4327 5316 117 78
3572 858 3357 1918 74 4453 151 200
1918 3546 107 4004 2054 141 165 100
1918 4855 4967 4003 4368 5069 210 146
4967 1918 141 4337 4482 858 235 107
141 1918 4967 858 4337 4482 200 95
494 4956 2054 1918 141 4967 115 176
2054 4956 494 4967 141 1918 151 145
2054 4956 494 1918 141 4967 135 81

Lansing FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Mason, MI, USA
to Week 6

Team 1918 was Rank 2 with a record of 16-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 67
Pick 1 1918
Pick 2 3546
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5173 1918 5167 5234 3655 5282 247 125
5251 703 5167 4838 5056 1918 70 155
5162 74 5251 5316 67 1918 130 260
5246 2611 5205 1918 5282 503 16 201
1918 5205 3658 308 2474 5316 156 109
314 1254 5246 703 1918 74 120 165
3639 1918 5256 1504 503 2771 96 226
5014 3639 5067 5251 1918 308 101 165
1918 5234 5067 5257 4838 3357 157 47
4776 1918 2474 1684 5282 3639 86 96
1918 2611 1940 5256 5162 3658 180 161
314 5162 1918 67 5173 3667 175 126
3546 1918 67 2474 3357 5173 136 93
3546 67 1918 3357 2474 5173 180 89
3546 1918 67 74 3667 1684 130 113
67 1918 3546 74 1684 3667 175 76
67 3546 1918 503 314 4327 210 140
3546 67 1918 4327 503 314 230 94

Michigan FRC State Championship

in Ypsilanti, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 1918 was Rank 4 with a record of 10-5-0

Captain 1918
Pick 1 494
Pick 2 70

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 54
Alliance Points 39
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 93
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1711 2604 1918 548 4391 910 125 106
453 1918 2054 1189 3667 4956 210 110
3620 74 1918 4779 2619 3641 170 121
3534 107 1918 5193 2337 2960 290 127
1918 5162 4819 5053 2054 2851 206 116
1918 2959 3539 3602 5162 1718 220 250
3548 469 815 503 3641 1918 172 201
4362 245 494 280 2834 1918 262 170
67 3688 5193 2474 4967 1918 175 186
4988 3098 3618 1918 27 1250 126 210
1023 308 2474 1918 68 4003 240 186
2137 3175 857 2771 33 1918 120 150
70 494 1918 107 2137 3098 226 177
1918 494 70 3098 107 2137 175 191
70 1918 494 3098 2137 107 171 206

Archimedes Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1918 was Rank 50 with a record of 8-8-0

Captain 51
Pick 1 2485
Pick 2 1918
Pick 3 781
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1939 1918 5030 3616 2198 1519 111 201
4010 399 4925 1918 5019 2180 130 221
4077 2959 319 229 1918 3211 200 115
2137 1477 2056 357 2485 1918 225 200
2834 1918 2067 3525 33 3354 235 100
2500 20 1918 4583 3467 3318 170 200
5123 2444 1918 5196 334 639 146 161
457 932 195 1540 1918 4950 137 160
5299 3997 5134 1918 4911 2996 42 245
4499 1918 484 1662 4707 2576 135 87
399 2175 2056 51 2485 1918 256 390
399 2175 2056 51 2485 1918 311 170
399 2175 2056 51 2485 1918 260 315
51 2485 1918 1477 2590 1625 315 285
51 2485 1918 1477 2590 1625 245 265
51 2485 1918 1477 2590 1625 251 285

Michigan Advanced Robotics Competition

in Monroe, MI, USA

Team 1918 had a record of 13-3-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1243 1918 503 1732 3098 5065 150 130
70 1504 5090 4130 3538 1918 125 100
308 1918 1023 74 27 573 85 195
3538 1718 67 33 1918 240 210 151
2832 74 1918 226 4395 2137 355 76
240 107 51 1918 2337 1701 122 195
4395 3098 1918 548 815 302 122 82
1675 1243 548 27 1918 123 29 175
33 123 217 1918 910 3322 177 290
469 815 1918 3641 1701 245 225 49
2832 1918 1023 3604 48 51 230 93
245 1918 2832 48 217 3604 216 72
74 2338 33 1023 2832 1918 178 180
548 2338 33 1023 2832 1918 142 240
67 70 107 1918 1023 2832 160 230
3538 70 67 1918 2832 1023 156 270

West Michigan Robotics Invitational

in Zeeland, MI, USA

Team 1918 had a record of 14-1-0

Captain 1918
Pick 1 2054
Pick 2 2405
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2771 2013 85 3546 1918 107 60 155
3546 1918 3875 107 4003 2013 106 71
2075 3234 1502 1918 2474 4967 56 165
2474 4004 141 1918 3547 2013 71 105
4482 3234 85 1918 4004 3620 84 116
1918 74 4482 1502 904 3574 251 98
3547 85 4967 5162 1918 2771 116 137
3357 3572 74 4003 1918 85 122 121
141 1918 4956 2405 2075 2771 185 18
1918 2054 2405 904 2075 2767 205 97
1918 2054 2405 904 2075 1502 201 93
1918 2054 2405 4956 3572 2474 235 130
1918 2054 2405 4956 3572 2474 180 48
1918 2054 2405 3620 74 4004 250 92
1918 2054 2405 3620 74 4004 131 116

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