From Tolland, Connecticut, USA
aka Triumph/Pratt & Whitney, A Raytheon Technologies Company/Intuitive Foundation/CNC Software & Ellington High School & Tolland High School
Rookie Year: 1995
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Event Results

Team 173 was 10-11-0 in official play and 12-16-0 overall in 2013.

WPI Regional

in Worcester, MA, USA
to Week 2

Team 173 was Rank 20 with a record of 6-6-0

Connecticut Regional sponsored by UTC

in Hartford, CT, USA
to Week 5

Team 173 was Rank 30 with a record of 4-5-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3204 571 3525 4055 395 173 38 32
173 4134 236 1699 3059 4572 116 52
173 230 2170 2785 228 4812 73 77
3719 263 2205 173 694 4812 9 89
4055 1784 20 3718 4609 173 116 26
1218 173 1289 3182 1740 3146 71 57
175 2836 95 173 1784 2064 78 59
3555 173 95 3634 2168 237 33 80
173 20 1991 1071 195 178 67 64

No matches played.

BattleCry 14

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 173 had a record of 2-5-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
138 157 3467 1350 2168 173 95 71
173 1124 238 195 125 4097 26 53
173 1073 121 2836 1721 2648 59 44
1519 126 3555 181 2836 173 124 53
3236 1687 558 173 190 1474 94 42
716 173 228 172 121 230 80 138
61 173 2713 1729 2423 467 78 74

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