From Farmington, Michigan, USA
aka General Motors/Novelis/Bosch/Havener Tech/Infineon/Haas Automation/DTE Energy/Pratt & Miller/Thysen-Krupp/EDAG-Dayco/Metro Bolt and Fasteners&Mercy High School
Rookie Year: 2004
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Event Results

Team 1481 was 13-11-2 in official play in 2007.

Detroit Regional

in Detroit, MI, USA
to Week 3

Team 1481 was Rank 12 with a record of 8-7-2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
406 1481 5 1502 469 27 4 94
515 302 1602 1481 703 47 2 34
314 2224 703 1216 27 1481 8 8
1216 1481 5 2224 47 515 0 8
1481 1250 314 1718 49 1286 2 32
1476 247 2050 397 1481 469 0 4
1718 33 1286 515 123 1481 32 8
247 2050 1250 1476 1481 49 0 0
1941 515 302 1481 217 469 0 132
397 1481 469 123 1701 406 57 21
1481 47 1250 314 1602 1286 26 8
27 1481 1718 519 33 1602 34 30
1481 27 1718 519 1602 33 6 68
1718 1481 27 519 1602 33 50 31
1502 469 302 27 1718 1481 28 16
1502 469 302 1481 27 1718 36 62
302 469 1502 1481 1718 27 61 46

West Michigan Regional

in Allendale, MI, USA
to Week 5

Team 1481 was Rank 29 with a record of 5-4-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
397 67 1504 383 1481 47 8 58
1481 818 27 47 469 1940 72 34
1940 71 703 494 288 1481 38 12
67 1481 910 397 2054 85 26 51
910 1481 93 201 1018 1506 100 10
245 2015 469 322 1481 47 16 2
1481 322 302 1256 1940 245 47 2
2188 111 703 226 1481 383 23 2
903 141 1506 1481 85 1018 36 92

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