From Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
aka Affton School District/Hunter Engineering Company/Quest Speciality Products/Forgy Process Instruments/Smartwires/Terminal Railroad Association/Rolla Alumni of Beta Sigma Psi&Engineering and Technology for Lutheran Youth
Rookie Year: 2004
Last competed in 2022
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Event Results

Team 1444 was 9-5-0 in official play and 13-8-0 overall in 2018.

St. Louis Regional

in St. Louis, MO 63103, USA
to Week 2

Team 1444 was Rank 10 with a record of 9-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 3197
Pick 1 1444
Pick 2 4356
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1178 3814 1444 931 3197 5060 250 205
3397 931 1444 2783 6391 3692 324 285
4356 2978 3330 1444 1288 4256 251 246
1444 1329 3284 5836 1094 4143 229 282
4500 4600 4232 4246 1444 7117 106 271
3197 4187 5583 1444 4330 5147 251 412
2978 2707 3792 1444 2481 2022 96 404
2978 1094 1444 5176 7117 1208 76 334
1658 4356 7255 1625 1444 4600 211 402
1706 1444 3197 1732 1985 6660 417 265
1444 3197 4356 1625 1732 4329 353 346
1444 3197 4356 1625 1732 4329 322 297
2451 2481 4256 1444 3197 4356 406 198
2451 2481 4256 1444 3197 4356 371 247

Missouri State Championship

in St Louis, MO, USA

Team 1444 had a record of 4-3-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1094 6744 5809 1730 4256 1444 136 445
1706 1730 1986 1444 1806 931 407 204
1825 2978 4256 3792 1444 1986 234 414
6886 5013 1444 931 3792 4329 403 187
1986 1178 7255 4329 1444 5013 392 348
1986 1178 7255 4329 1444 5013 323 388
1986 1178 7255 4329 1444 5013 440 298

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