From Cleveland, OH, USA
aka NASA Glenn Research Center/Youth Technology Academy of Cuyahoga Community College/Cleveland Metropolitan School District/Cuyahoga County Workforce Development Dept/Cleveland TechWorks
Rookie Year: 2004
Last competed in 2013
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Event Results

Team 1270 was 11-12-0 in official play in 2008.

Florida Regional

in Orlando, FL, USA
to Week 3

Team 1270 was Rank 19 with a record of 5-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Chrysler Team Spirit Award

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
744 1270 1403 386 1523 1251 36 60
1270 69 665 103 342 744 46 38
103 425 1270 59 1543 86 66 8
1902 2383 1270 2563 1065 2566 54 34
2565 1649 2422 2563 1270 2100 22 18
1557 1875 2100 1270 2564 1841 18 60
408 1884 845 945 1270 2567 22 14
1144 179 1341 386 86 1270 6 42

Palmetto Regional

in Columbia, SC, USA
to Week 5

Team 1270 was Rank 28 with a record of 6-9-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
342 1249 900 1398 1270 1466 54 44
1758 1539 1270 2362 1876 1225 14 28
1758 2237 1319 1553 343 1270 48 44
1251 1369 1746 1102 665 1270 36 32
2092 1466 2425 393 1270 2237 28 36
1225 2483 1270 2362 1398 1026 22 16
2483 804 343 845 2362 1270 44 42
1959 1270 1261 1436 386 2430 14 36
1319 1270 2187 900 1261 1051 28 30
1553 1251 393 1270 2430 1026 38 46
845 1251 1270 281 2430 1026 82 20
1270 845 1251 1026 281 2430 22 2
1758 386 2483 1270 845 1251 76 100
1758 386 2483 845 1270 1251 68 32
2483 386 1758 1270 845 1251 50 44

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