From Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA
aka Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction/The Family of Glen Longhorn/Pewaukee High School Booster Club/Power-mation/GE Healthcare&Pewaukee High School
Rookie Year: 2004
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Event Results

Team 1259 was 20-12-0 in official play in 2013.

Northern Lights Regional

in Duluth, MN, USA
to Week 2

Team 1259 was Rank 18 with a record of 9-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 2826
Pick 1 269
Pick 2 1259
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1259 2530 3839 525 3061 2502 12 49
4174 3293 1259 4656 2169 3267 0 103
3751 1259 2503 2861 4671 4506 37 34
4480 1259 3871 3130 4166 2499 31 60
2957 2826 27 1259 2500 2518 59 45
2491 2846 4623 3055 1259 877 18 15
4657 3723 3293 3184 1259 2826 69 85
1259 3130 3056 4693 1675 3751 67 7
4480 3081 2502 2846 1259 2861 15 46
3871 2175 4624 1259 269 2502 53 114
269 2826 1259 2512 2861 4762 60 81
269 2826 1259 2512 4762 2861 86 82
269 2826 1259 4762 2512 2861 77 37
876 3056 3723 1259 2826 269 76 105
876 3723 3056 2826 1259 269 76 93
1259 2826 269 2169 3061 525 107 131
1259 269 2826 2169 3061 525 90 123

Wisconsin Regional

in Milwaukee, WI, USA
to Week 4

Team 1259 was Rank 6 with a record of 11-4-0

Captain 1259
Pick 1 2062
Pick 2 2574
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2077 2358 1259 2022 930 3963 39 23
4804 1781 1259 4296 2062 3692 22 51
1259 4786 930 3197 2338 2826 53 52
2338 2830 1259 2506 1306 93 30 27
3418 4804 111 171 3596 1259 48 80
2358 1714 2039 1259 2481 4143 65 127
3940 1259 1714 3936 4081 81 50 17
269 4655 4143 1259 3067 4247 113 118
4531 706 876 537 2530 1259 99 45
2574 2830 3381 3734 4655 1259 68 122
71 876 135 2062 2574 1259 94 104
71 876 135 2062 2574 1259 68 71
2338 111 1732 1259 2062 2574 159 134
2338 1732 111 2574 1259 2062 90 109
1732 2338 111 1259 2574 2062 105 66

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