From Tamarac, Florida, USA
aka Sonny's The Car Wash Factory/Europa Precision Metal Fabrication/Ultimate Software/Google/FPL&Broward County 4-H Association
Rookie Year: 2004
Last competed in 2020
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Event Results

Team 1251 was 19-10-1 in official play in 2012.

South Florida Regional

in Boca Raton, FL, USA
to Week 5

Team 1251 was Rank 3 with a record of 13-4-0

Captain 1251
Pick 1 801
Pick 2 665
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1902 168 1251 4184 3627 59 32 8
3627 4088 3732 1251 4224 3992 10 16
665 1369 4088 3932 1557 1251 5 17
2152 3580 1251 3410 4118 3520 43 3
1369 3653 180 1251 1735 2383 2 41
3627 1251 4341 744 801 79 16 50
386 1872 1557 3520 3653 1251 16 34
1065 1251 108 4224 801 348 70 34
3653 3410 3627 1592 3938 1251 22 37
79 4379 1251 2383 179 4013 18 13
3164 4052 4088 1251 3410 2425 3 27
801 665 1251 2152 348 108 62 19
1251 801 665 348 2152 108 49 86
665 801 1251 2152 348 108 45 33
1251 801 665 1065 79 3653 68 45
1251 665 801 79 1065 3653 30 48
1251 801 665 1065 2425 79 24 42

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