Heartland Regional 2018

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2167 2001 5918 1982 2353 1806 104 367
4499 4959 4646 2410 4455 1730 206 267
2457 967 1939 935 1984 5809 345 141
6424 1777 938 6420 4522 4388 248 332
1710 1810 1108 1997 1994 5082 383 31
2765 6843 6317 1785 6886 1723 290 326
3184 6359 1847 5119 1769 5268 234 298
4786 4388 2167 5809 1810 4499 363 224
1984 6420 2457 5082 1723 1982 251 358
1939 2353 1730 4522 5119 1710 427 196
2765 1994 1785 6359 4646 1777 300 257
5268 6424 5918 6843 6886 4786 133 330
1806 1108 2410 3184 6317 935 268 313
967 1847 938 1769 1997 4455 209 162
2001 5268 1939 4959 1994 4388 136 349
6843 5119 1108 2410 4499 2765 206 166
5082 935 4455 1984 2167 6424 156 391
1777 1982 6886 1710 1806 6317 174 338
4522 4786 1730 6420 1785 3184 374 209
6359 1997 938 2001 5809 2457 248 91
4959 1810 2353 4646 967 1769 436 249
2765 1847 1723 4455 5918 1994 343 113
2410 935 2001 1939 6424 1710 60 436
967 6886 1997 5268 1982 6420 307 202
1810 1806 1723 1730 1108 938 229 317
4959 1769 5918 4522 1785 5809 227 114
4499 3184 2167 1847 2457 4646 277 226
6843 6359 1984 5119 4786 2353 369 218
4959 6317 1777 4388 5082 6424 335 195
935 4499 1785 1997 2001 1710 267 337
4646 2410 1994 1769 1982 1984 272 376
6317 1810 2457 2765 6420 1730 216 402
1777 6843 2167 5918 938 3184 244 159
967 1723 4786 6886 1939 1847 288 245
5809 5082 5119 2353 4455 1108 358 257
5268 6359 4522 4499 1806 4388 322 231
1723 3184 1997 2167 4959 2765 405 117
1769 935 1810 1777 5918 1939 168 265
2410 1710 6420 6317 6359 2353 260 242
2001 5082 967 1994 4522 6843 144 363
4646 5268 1785 5119 938 1984 248 271
4455 4786 6424 2457 1730 1806 141 405
4388 1847 1982 1108 5809 6886 259 280
1939 1984 1994 6317 6420 2167 407 220
4499 2353 6843 1997 2457 1777 328 295
938 5082 2410 5918 1730 1847 163 347
6359 1982 4786 1108 4959 935 224 325
1723 4646 5119 1769 4388 1710 129 428
6886 2001 3184 1785 4455 1810 366 31
6424 4522 1806 5809 2765 967 451 247
5082 5918 6420 5268 4499 1723 69 449
4388 1730 4646 6843 1997 935 349 260
3184 6424 5119 6317 967 1982 313 148
1806 1984 1777 1710 1847 4959 326 314
2353 2410 5809 5268 6886 1810 277 308
2167 2457 1769 2001 2765 4786 165 389
4522 4455 1939 1785 1108 6359 296 189
1994 6317 4499 938 2353 935 225 293
1806 5268 4959 1810 3184 2765 264 381
1730 2167 5119 5809 1777 6420 382 228
1994 1723 1769 6424 2410 1997 406 238
1108 2001 4388 1984 967 5918 260 153
1982 1939 1785 1847 6843 5082 315 291
4455 2457 6359 6886 4522 4646 120 433
938 1710 1994 4786 3184 4959 225 353
6420 1769 1108 1806 1785 6843 128 312
1810 1997 4522 1847 1984 6317 308 254
935 1710 1982 4455 5268 2765 275 367
5918 4499 6359 1730 6424 967 269 373
6886 4388 2353 2167 1939 5082 426 86
4786 4646 5809 1723 1777 2001 354 263
5119 2410 4959 2457 938 6843 409 229
6420 1847 1810 6424 935 6359 358 300
1777 1108 4522 1997 2167 5268 494 120
5918 1806 6886 1994 5119 2001 435 206
4388 2765 1984 1982 1730 4499 269 372
2353 1785 967 2457 1723 2410 219 390
4646 938 4455 1939 6317 4786 131 342
3184 5809 1769 5082 1710 4499 225 401
1785 4388 2457 1108 1994 5268 415 215
935 5119 6886 1723 4959 4522 397 376
2353 6420 6424 1984 4646 3184 275 385
1710 2167 4455 1810 5918 6843 297 160
1730 5809 6317 1847 1769 2001 336 75
4786 1777 5082 6359 967 2410 220 411
1982 2765 1997 938 1939 1806 341 228


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1730 1806 1810
Alliance 2 6886 4388 935
Alliance 3 4522 1710 1982
Alliance 4 1723 1984 2410
Alliance 5 6843 5119 2765
Alliance 6 4786 4959 2167
Alliance 7 3184 1108 4499
Alliance 8 1939 6359 6424

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1806 1730 1810 6359 1939 6424 366 264
1806 1730 1810 6359 1939 6424 347 331
1984 1723 2410 5119 6843 2765 438 277
1984 1723 2410 5119 6843 2765 510 200
4388 6886 935 1108 3184 4499 175 386
4388 6886 935 1108 3184 4499 365 397
1710 4522 1982 4959 4786 2167 439 167
1710 4522 1982 4959 4786 2167 317 180
1806 1730 1810 1984 1723 2410 384 329
1806 1730 1810 1984 1723 2410 369 347
1108 3184 4499 1710 4522 1982 304 331
1108 3184 4499 1710 4522 1982 354 344
1108 3184 4499 1710 4522 1982 335 377
1806 1730 1810 1710 4522 1982 286 314
1806 1730 1810 1710 4522 1982 216 389

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Park/Climb Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 1730 2.66 495 390 3271 270 12-0-0 0 12 32
2 6886 2.58 595 354 2862 285 10-2-0 0 12 31
3 4522 2.25 665 345 2719 255 9-3-0 0 12 27
4 1723 2.08 635 377 2742 330 8-4-0 0 12 25
5 6843 2.00 525 308 2312 240 7-5-0 0 12 24
6 4786 1.91 615 297 2416 255 8-4-0 0 12 23
7 5119 1.91 565 359 2383 200 8-4-0 0 12 23
8 4388 1.91 555 303 2721 255 8-4-0 0 12 23
9 3184 1.91 470 298 2555 250 8-4-0 0 12 23
10 1984 1.83 605 321 2383 325 7-5-0 0 12 22
11 4959 1.83 525 417 2496 335 7-5-0 0 12 22
12 1939 1.83 525 260 2383 285 8-4-0 0 12 22
13 1806 1.83 520 381 2659 310 7-5-0 0 12 22
14 1710 1.83 475 368 2700 385 8-4-0 0 12 22
15 2765 1.75 565 328 2382 275 7-5-0 0 12 21
16 1108 1.75 480 338 2172 180 7-5-0 0 12 21
17 2353 1.66 830 277 2290 275 6-6-0 0 12 20
18 1810 1.58 555 297 2172 230 6-6-0 0 12 19
19 1982 1.41 535 244 2221 330 6-6-0 0 12 17
20 5268 1.41 520 313 2037 280 5-7-0 0 12 17
21 2167 1.41 410 261 1971 235 6-6-0 0 12 17
22 4499 1.41 405 329 2375 315 5-7-0 0 12 17
23 6424 1.33 505 268 2324 355 5-7-0 0 12 16
24 1785 1.33 440 254 1910 225 5-7-0 0 12 16
25 1997 1.33 380 242 2162 250 6-6-0 0 12 16
26 1777 1.25 580 257 1914 345 5-7-0 0 12 15
27 6317 1.25 515 331 2194 305 5-7-0 0 12 15
28 1847 1.25 455 281 2150 250 4-8-0 0 12 15
29 2457 1.16 505 278 2103 215 4-8-0 0 12 14
30 5809 1.16 485 284 1895 175 4-8-0 0 12 14
31 4646 1.16 470 303 2219 260 4-8-0 0 12 14
32 935 1.16 455 268 1835 295 4-8-0 0 12 14
33 1769 1.16 450 282 2062 170 5-7-0 0 12 14
34 938 1.16 330 208 1926 165 5-7-0 0 12 14
35 6359 1.08 550 220 2090 305 4-8-0 0 12 13
36 2410 1.08 535 287 2136 225 5-7-0 0 12 13
37 967 1.08 515 222 2013 230 6-6-0 0 12 13
38 5918 1.00 325 211 1614 250 4-8-0 0 12 12
39 6420 0.91 580 240 1754 250 4-8-0 0 12 11
40 1994 0.83 545 239 2097 260 5-7-0 0 12 10
41 2001 0.83 425 230 1501 135 4-8-0 0 12 10
42 5082 0.83 395 229 1502 210 3-9-0 0 12 10
43 4455 0.75 375 196 1558 215 4-8-0 0 12 9

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Newton, Kansas, USA
Richmond, Kansas, USA
Marion, Iowa, USA
Paola, Kansas, USA
Olathe, Kansas, USA
Independence, Missouri, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Blue Springs, Missouri, USA
Smithville, Missouri, USA
Lenexa, Kansas, USA
Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Shawnee, Kansas, USA
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Roeland Park, Kansas, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Maryville, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Team Location Image
Lawson, Missouri, USA
Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Burnsville, Minnesota, USA
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Warrensburg, Missouri, USA
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Sedalia, Missouri, USA
Polk City, Iowa, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Olathe, Kansas, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Davenport, Iowa, USA
Aurora, Nebraska, USA
Muscatine, Iowa, USA
Knob Noster, Missouri, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Warsaw, Missouri, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 1710
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 1730
Rookie All Star Award 6886
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Jim Nazworthy (1730)
Volunteer of the Year Joyce Gilmore
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Alexey Ayzin (1939)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Sanjana Amatya (4646)
Regional Winners 4522
Regional Winners 1710
Regional Winners 1982
Regional Finalists 1730
Regional Finalists 1806
Regional Finalists 1810
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 5918
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4786
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 1939
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1108
Highest Rookie Seed 6886
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3184
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1810
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 5119
Judges' Award 6420
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 1723
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6843
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 4786
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 2410
Wildcard 1806
Wildcard 1810

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1730 197.23
1710 169.17
6886 156.41
1723 150.14
3184 140.68
4522 139.53
2353 134.45
1984 131.89
2765 127.64
4388 127.21
1939 116.30
4959 114.91
1806 109.73
1777 106.87
6843 106.30
4786 103.28
6424 102.95
2457 96.07
6359 94.86
4499 92.17
1108 90.57
2410 85.76
5268 85.59
1994 85.01
5119 81.64
1810 78.82
967 78.52
1982 77.08
1769 76.78
4646 73.54
935 72.81
1997 72.62
6317 68.06
1847 66.75
6420 51.74
1785 50.00
5809 48.31
5082 45.78
2167 41.69
938 35.48
5918 24.25
2001 15.10
4455 11.49


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 439 516 85.08%
Auto Switch Owned 112 172 65.12%
Auto Quest * 80 172 46.51%
Force Played 65 172 37.79%
Levitate Played 123 172 71.51%
Boost Played 83 172 48.26%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 84 516 16.28%
Face the Boss * 4 172 2.33%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
1 172 0.58%

Match Statistics

High Score 494 in Q74
Average Match Score 274.55
Average Winning Score 348.55
Average Win Margin 148.00
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 12.76 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 1.34 57.40 58.74
Average Switch Ownership Points 10.12 110.14 120.26
Scale Neutral % 91.09% 14.96% 22.57%
Winner Scale Ownership % 8.84% 73.91% 67.40%
Winner Switch Ownership % 41.55% 92.76% 87.64%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 15.99% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.83 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.12 --
Average Vault Points -- 21.69 --
Average Endgame Points -- 42.41 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 13.23
Average Score 24.22 237.10 274.55


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 85 90 94.44%
Auto Switch Owned 26 30 86.67%
Auto Quest * 24 30 80.00%
Force Played 18 30 60.00%
Levitate Played 25 30 83.33%
Boost Played 19 30 63.33%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 21 90 23.33%
Face the Boss * 3 30 10.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
1 30 3.33%

Match Statistics

High Score 510 in QF2-2
Average Match Score 327.93
Average Winning Score 381.20
Average Win Margin 106.53
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 14.17 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 6.80 64.27 71.07
Average Switch Ownership Points 13.67 122.30 135.97
Scale Neutral % 54.67% 4.79% 9.78%
Winner Scale Ownership % 29.78% 69.58% 65.60%
Winner Switch Ownership % 54.67% 90.77% 87.16%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 12.94% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.00 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.42 --
Average Vault Points -- 30.00 --
Average Endgame Points -- 52.17 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 15.50
Average Score 34.63 277.80 327.93
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