Event Results

Team 8205 was 12-22-0 in official play in 2022.

As a member of the FIRST North Carolina district, Team 8205 ranked 35 having earned 52 points.

FNC District ECU Event

in Greenville, NC, USA
to Week 2

Team 8205 was Rank 25 with a record of 7-11-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 3336
Pick 1 4534
Pick 2 8205

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 9
Alliance Points 6
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 25
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7671 8429 5160 8205 8738 6004 7 42
8205 4291 3737 5160 6500 8738 24 25
4534 3737 3229 8304 6908 8205 28 12
8634 5762 8304 8205 6240 6512 44 5
4816 8205 6500 4561 6240 8746 39 24
7715 8634 8804 8758 7671 8205 20 12
3229 8205 435 7671 4561 4795 18 48
3737 6565 6729 4534 8205 3336 20 25
8205 2642 8746 6729 5160 4291 21 32
6214 3737 2642 4795 2059 8205 34 49
8429 8205 6729 435 8634 2642 4 22
8090 5511 8205 7715 8304 6565 12 16
3737 4291 8738 4534 3336 8205 50 26
3737 4291 8738 4534 3336 8205 20 33
3737 4291 8738 4534 3336 8205 6 16
3229 4561 8746 4534 3336 8205 38 36
3229 4561 8746 4534 3336 8205 20 26
3229 4561 8746 4534 3336 8205 42 39

FNC District UNC Pembroke Event

in Pembroke, NC, USA
to Week 5

Team 8205 was Rank 29 with a record of 5-11-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 6888
Pick 1 4534
Pick 2 8205

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 8
Alliance Points 4
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 22
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3661 1225 4935 8727 3737 8205 14 56
900 8205 435 8727 4828 6888 36 61
4829 6512 3196 4534 4828 8205 68 40
8205 6932 6214 8833 6004 3229 17 34
7715 3229 4534 8205 6512 6888 39 32
7715 8205 3336 5762 6565 3737 25 26
6004 5607 8205 8758 3506 7443 33 58
3196 4935 7443 8205 4290 5762 55 44
8757 4816 6729 6894 8205 7270 12 45
6894 6004 8804 3196 8205 6565 31 23
8205 3506 3229 435 6888 4290 60 41
6729 8804 8205 3737 900 3661 28 60
4534 6888 8205 7443 4828 4816 57 44
4534 6888 8205 7443 4828 4816 70 38
3506 4829 3661 4534 6888 8205 72 49
3506 4829 3661 4534 6888 8205 77 76

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