Event Results

Team 701 was 23-10-2 in official play in 2007.

Bayou Regional

in New Orleans, LA, USA
to Week 2

Team 701 was Rank 7 with a record of 11-5-1

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2221 701 1927 1920 2206 647 4 4
2173 1912 701 1920 2091 462 32 0
1913 2242 364 1429 2206 701 32 27
1550 2190 701 2183 1429 442 0 4
2183 1683 701 462 1304 2091 2 32
1858 2182 701 2206 1913 231 49 32
701 1421 2242 442 1304 2221 94 0
462 2078 1858 1818 2182 701 2 46
701 1421 2080 1683 456 2182 64 49
456 2221 1421 2242 1913 701 19 32
1429 2206 442 1304 701 2091 17 32
357 2183 1913 701 2078 1421 30 32
2182 701 1858 2176 590 1927 80 34
2182 701 1858 1927 2176 590 40 19
2183 364 118 2182 701 1858 68 64
118 364 2183 2182 1858 701 6 56
364 2183 118 701 1858 2182 8 2

Davis Sacramento Regional

in Davis, CA, USA
to Week 5

Team 701 was Rank 3 with a record of 12-5-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" Award

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2156 1351 751 1323 701 2085 19 108
1960 852 701 100 2073 1147 38 0
1031 2156 701 1678 115 1560 0 34
955 701 2156 1280 295 2085 36 32
2156 1458 701 766 2159 955 8 58
841 973 2159 2063 1147 701 0 158
701 2035 973 1671 753 1359 83 34
701 852 1726 692 1147 2063 32 2
1960 1323 701 1359 841 2035 50 4
1031 701 1960 2204 973 481 2 2
701 2035 852 1560 1031 115 62 18
701 852 2035 1031 1560 115 30 12
701 852 2035 1280 692 1351 128 64
701 2035 852 1280 692 1351 32 45
2035 701 852 1351 1280 692 32 2
997 100 1458 701 2035 852 28 32
100 997 1458 2035 852 701 92 0
1458 997 100 2035 701 852 38 8

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