From Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, Mexico
aka MOLEX/Tec de Monterrey&ITESM, Prepa Tec Santa Anita
Rookie Year: 2017
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Event Results

Team 6702 was 5-10-0 in official play in 2017.

Laguna Regional

in Torreon, COA 27250, Mexico
to Week 5

Team 6702 was Rank 27 with a record of 5-10-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 6017
Pick 1 4635
Pick 2 6702
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6407 5093 4401 6634 4635 6702 145 180
6702 6156 6017 4401 4735 5874 120 300
4400 6170 6702 6156 4603 6647 190 255
6017 5874 3478 5093 6702 4403 286 110
3794 3472 6702 6170 6156 4635 203 115
4403 6483 6634 6200 6702 2283 135 185
4735 6702 5705 3794 6444 6666 135 200
6199 2283 4400 4746 3480 6702 150 105
6010 6702 6507 4355 6634 3472 90 278
6702 4355 4401 3158 3480 6017 195 285
6647 6407 6702 5526 5312 6199 185 250
6200 4603 6483 6702 5959 5526 115 210
6702 6017 4635 6170 6199 6200 330 325
6702 6017 4635 6170 6199 6200 205 250
6702 6017 4635 6170 6199 6200 235 250

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