From Arapahoe, North Carolina, USA
aka Duke Energy/2021 FIRST Robotics Competition Sustainability Grant/NASA&Arapahoe Charter School
Rookie Year: 2017
Last competed in 2022
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Event Results

Team 6565 was 16-14-1 in official play in 2019.

As a member of the FIRST North Carolina district, Team 6565 ranked 34 having earned 56 points.

FNC District Wake County Event

in Holly Springs, NC 27540, USA
to Week 2

Team 6565 was Rank 20 with a record of 7-7-1 and won the following awards:

  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 6908
Pick 1 5160
Pick 2 6565

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 12
Alliance Points 6
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 5
Total Points 23
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6565 5607 5190 7029 4828 2642 37 11
3336 7715 6565 435 6426 7671 15 27
3459 5762 3336 3737 6565 6502 39 30
7739 6426 6565 4291 2682 7671 21 31
5762 3796 2642 6565 7675 6908 47 48
3229 4828 2059 4816 2682 6565 46 39
6500 3459 6565 7739 2059 6215 30 27
6215 5919 7675 900 6565 3229 21 39
7715 5607 7029 6565 6215 5762 15 36
7763 5160 6240 6565 5919 7029 23 27
4561 4816 6426 4828 6565 5160 42 39
5518 7463 6565 6908 4561 6332 24 24
2642 900 6332 5160 6908 6565 33 35
2642 900 6332 5160 6908 6565 63 38
2642 900 6332 5160 6908 6565 67 35

FNC District Guilford County Event

in Gibsonville, NC 27249, USA
to Week 3

Team 6565 was Rank 15 with a record of 9-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 7763
Pick 1 4290
Pick 2 6565

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 14
Alliance Points 4
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 33
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6565 5762 7763 3822 6899 6004 56 11
2640 5762 6888 6214 3196 6565 38 45
6729 6565 4534 5727 4795 3506 30 32
587 7815 6565 6240 5679 4935 12 25
6512 6565 1533 1225 4290 7815 49 24
6565 4829 6888 4935 3215 5544 46 57
3680 7265 6729 5544 5854 6565 26 60
3196 6932 5727 3215 5919 6565 56 23
6565 5727 4290 1533 7265 3822 36 26
2655 6565 2640 6214 5854 5919 66 35
4534 2655 4935 3680 6565 6240 47 28
5544 5679 2059 6565 1225 7265 47 55
4290 7763 6565 4829 7265 6932 57 50
4290 7763 6565 4829 7265 6932 57 42
2655 2059 6729 4290 7763 6565 43 39
2655 2059 6729 4290 7763 6565 61 43

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