From Bend, Oregon, USA
aka Subaru of Bend/Eco Offroad/Defense Architecture Systems/TechSoft3d/ColeBreit/Argosy Foundation/Exosonic/Lam/Knife River/The Wonderful Company/Dermatology Health Specialists/AnalyticsWare/Machinable Innovations/AutoDesk&Cascades Academy
Rookie Year: 2017
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Event Results

Team 6465 was 5-2-0 during the 2021 offseason.


in Portland, OR, USA

Team 6465 had a record of 5-2-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6465 3711 2898 1540P 147 116
1425 6465 3711 2733 3636 1540P 140 149
1540C 1425 6465 2374 2635 2898 78 37
2471 2635 1425 3711 2898 6465 147 152
3711 3636 7034 1540C 6465 1540P 241 184
1540C 6465 1540P 2733 2635 2898 136 67
7034B 2635 1540C 1540P 6465 2898 89 117

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