From Calgary, Alberta, Canada
aka North Hill Centre / Laser Equations / Qsine & Alberta Tech Alliance Association
Rookie Year: 2016
Last competed in 2016
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Event Results

Team 6082 was 14-13-0 in official play in 2016.

Western Canada Regional

in Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
to Week 5

Team 6082 was Rank 4 with a record of 12-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Highest Rookie Seed
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation
  • Wildcard

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 6082
Pick 1 4613
Pick 2 6178
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6082 6188 6041 5118 4625 4634 60 39
2013 6082 4604 4625 6106 4010 91 67
6082 5078 4627 4010 3211 4633 86 79
5015 216 244 5725 6082 3216 69 95
4613 5597 244 3933 6082 5015 10 100
5117 1482 2130 288 216 6082 50 93
2013 4633 6178 5597 1482 6082 107 66
4627 6041 4334 6082 6178 2130 127 69
4634 6106 6082 6169 3354 5725 80 68
5064 6082 4613 3354 4604 4497 71 74
5064 5630 244 6082 5118 4733 46 78
4613 6082 6178 2130 5078 6169 131 97
4613 6082 6178 2130 5078 6169 124 74
3211 4627 3933 4613 6082 6178 107 153
3211 4627 3933 4613 6082 6178 91 157
2013 4334 4625 4613 6082 6178 157 117
2013 4334 4625 4613 6082 6178 169 149

Archimedes Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 6082 was Rank 69 with a record of 2-8-0

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